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Science/ Black Holes term paper 19763. Relations University? The Search for Black Holes: Both As A Concept And An Understanding. For ages people have been determined to explicate on everything. Our search for explanation rests only when there is a lack of questions. Our skies hold infinite quandaries, so the healthstream stanford hospital, quest for answers will, as a result, also be infinite. Since its inception, Astronomy as a science speculated heavily upon discovery, and only came to concrete conclusions later with closer inspection. Aspects of the skies which at one time seemed like reasonable explanations are now laughed at as egotistical ventures. Time has shown that as better instrumentation was developed, more accurate understanding was attained.

Now it seems, as we advance on university of michigan scientific frontiers, the healthstream stanford hospital and clinics, new quest of the heavens is to find and explain the phenomenom known as a black hole. The goal of this paper is to explain how the concept of a black hole came about, and give some insight on how black holes are formed and intergroup might be tracked down in our more technologically advanced future. Gaining an understanding of a black hole allows for a greater understanding of the concept of spacetime and maybe give us a grasp of both science fiction and science fact. Hopefully, all the clarification will come by the close of this essay. A black hole is probably one of the most misunderstood ideas among people outside of the astronomical and of delaware blue hens pants physical communities.

Before an understanding of university how it is formed can take place, a bit of an introduction to stars is necessary. This will shed light (no pun intended) on the black hole philosophy. A star is an enormous fire ball, fueled by state email, a nuclear reaction at its core which produces massive amounts of heat and pressure. It is formed when two or more enormous gaseous clouds come together which forms the core, and intergroup university of michigan as an aftereffect the conversion, due to that impact, of huge amounts of energy from the two clouds. College Services? The clouds come together with a great enough force, that a nuclear reaction ensues. This type of energy is created by fusion wherein the university of michigan, atoms are forced together to form a new one. University Science? In turn, heat in relations excess of millions of degrees farenheit are produced. This activity goes on for eons until the point at science degree which the nuclear fuel is exhausted. Here is where things get interesting. For the entire life of the star, the nuclear reaction at its core produced an enormous outward force.

Interestingly enough, an exactly equal force, namely gravity, was pushing inward toward the center. The equilibrium of the two forces allowed the star to maintain its shape and not break away nor collapse. Intergroup Relations? Eventually, the fuel for the star runs out, and it this point, the outward force is overpowered by the gravitational force, and the object caves in on itself. This is a gigantic implosion. Depending on the original and final mass of the star, several things might occur. A usual result of such an implosion is a star known as a white dwarf. This star has been pressed together to hospital form a much more massive object. It is said that a teaspoon of matter off a white dwarf would weigh 2-4 tons. Of Michigan? Upon the first discovery of library a white dwarf, a debate arose as to how far a star can collapse. And in the 1920’s two leading astrophysicists, Subrahmanyan Chandrasekgar and Sir Arthur Eddington came up with different conclusions.

Chandrasekhar looked at the relations of mass to radius of the star, and concluded an upper limit beyond which collapse would result in something called a neutron star. This limit of 1.4 solar masses was an accurate measurement and in 1983, the Nobel committee recognized his work and awarded him their prize in intergroup relations Physics. The white dwarf is state system donald massive, but not as massive as the next order of imploded star known as a neutron star. Often as the nuclear fuel is burned out, the university, star will begin to shed its matter in an explosion called a supernovae. When this occurs the star loses an enormous amount of mass, but that which is left behind, if greater than 1.4 solar masses, is a densely packed ball of neutrons. This star is so much more massive that a teaspoon of it’s matter would weigh somewhere in the area of 5 million tons in earth’s gravity. University Policy? The magnitude of such a dense body is unimaginable. But even a neutron star isn’t the extreme when it comes to a star’s collapse.

That brings us to the focus of this paper. Intergroup University? It is and clinics felt, that when a star is massive enough, any where in the area of or larger than 3-3.5 solar masses, the collapse would cause something of a much greater mass. In fact, the mass of this new object is speculated to be infinite. Such an intergroup relations university entity is what we call a black hole. After a black hole is created, the gravitational force continues to university austin library science pull in relations space debris and wikipedia donald all other types of intergroup relations matter in. This continuous addition makes the hole stronger and more powerful and austin science degree obviously more massive. The simplest three dimensional geometry for a black hole is a sphere. This type of black hole is called a Schwarzschild black hole. Kurt Schwarzschild was a German astrophysicist who figured out the university of michigan, critical radius for a given mass which would become a black hole. This calculation showed that at a specific point matter would collapse to an infinitely dense state.

This is softball known as singularity. Here too, the intergroup, pull of gravity is infinitely strong, and services space and time can no longer be thought of in conventional ways. At singularity, the laws defined by Newton and university of michigan Einstein no longer hold true, and a myterious world of quantum gravity exists. In the policy, Schwarzschild black hole, the event horizon, or skin of the black hole, is the university of michigan, boundary beyond which nothing could escape the gravitational pull. Most black holes would tend to be in a consistent spinning motion, because of the original spin of the star. This motion absorbs various matter and spins it within the ring that is university science formed around the black hole. This ring is the singularity. The matter keeps within the Event Horizon until it has spun into the center where it is concentrated within the core adding to the mass. Such spinning black holes are known as Kerr Black Holes.

Roy P. Kerr, an Australian mathematician happened upon the solution to the Einstein equations for black holes with angular momentums. This black hole is very similar to relations of michigan the previous one. There are, however, some differences which make it more viable for real, existing ones. The singularity in the this hole is more time-like, while the other is more space-like. With this subtle difference, objects would be able to enter the black whole from regions away from the equator of the event horizon and not be destroyed. The reason it is called a black hole is because any light inside of the singularity would be pulled back by the infinite gravity so that none of it could escape. As a result anything passing beyond the event horizon would dissappear from sight forever, thus making the university science degree, black hole impossible for intergroup university, humans to see without using technologicalyl advanced instruments for measuring such things like radiation. The second part of the university email iphone, name referring to university the hole is due to the fact that the actual hole, is where everything is absorbed and state university wikipedia where the center core presides. This core is the main part of the relations, black hole where the mass is concentrated and appears purely black on all readings even through the use of radiation detection devices. The first scientists to really take an in depth look at stanford black holes and the collapsing of intergroup relations university of michigan stars, were a professor, Robert Oppenheimer and his student Hartland Snyder, in blue hens softball the early nineteen hundreds. University Of Michigan? They concluded on the basis of Einstein's theory of of texas library degree relativity that if the speed of light was the utmost speed over any massive object, then nothing could escape a black hole once in it's clutches.

It should be noted, all of university of michigan this information is trinity college career speculation. Intergroup University Of Michigan? In theory, and on Super computers, these things do exist, but as scientists must admit, they’ve never found one. So the question arises, how can we see black holes? Well, there are several approaches to this question. Stanford Hospital And Clinics? Obviously, as realized from a previous paragraph, by seeing, it isn’t necessarily meant to be a visual representation. University? So we’re left with two approaches. Trinity Hartford Career Services? The first deals with X-ray detection. In this precision measuring system, scientists would look for areas that would create enormous shifts in energy levels. Such shifts would result from gases that are sucked into the black hole. The enormous jolt in gravitation would heat the gases by millions of degrees. Intergroup Relations? Such a rise could be evidence of university blue softball a black hole.

The other means of detection lies in intergroup university another theory altogether. The concept of gravitational waves could point to university of delaware blue softball pants black holes, and intergroup university of michigan researchers are developing ways to read them. University Austin Science Degree? Gravitational Waves are predicted by Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity. They are perturbations in the curvature of spacetime. Sir Arthur Eddington was a strong supporter of Einstein, but was skeptical of relations university gravity waves and is reported to state wikipedia have said, Graviatational waves propagate at relations of michigan the speed of thought. But what they are is important to a theory.

Gravitational waves are enormous ripples eminating from the core of the black hole and other large masses and are said to travel at the speed of light, but not through spacetime, but rather as the backbone of spacetime itself. These ripples pass straight through matter, and their strength weakens as it gets farther from the source. The ripples would be similar to a stone dropped in water, with larger ones toward the center and fainter ones along the outer circumference. The only problem is that these ripples are so minute that detecting them would require instrumentation way beyond our present capabilities. Because they’re unaffected by matter, they carry a pure signal, not like X-rays which are diffused and distorted. In simulations the college hartford career, black hole creates a unique frequency known as it natural mode of relations of michigan vibrations. This fingerprint will undoubtedly point to a black hole, if it’s ever seen.

Just recently a major discovery was found with the help of The Hubble Space Telescope. This telescope has just recently found what many astronomers believe to be a black hole, after being focused on a star orbiting an empty space. Several picture were sent back to Earth from the telescope showing many computer enhanced pictures of policy network various radiation fluctuations and other diverse types of readings that could be read from the area in which the black hole is suspected to be in. Because a black hole floats wherever the star collapsed, the truth is, it can vastly effect the surrounding area, which might have other stars in it. It could also absorb a star and wipe it out of existance. When a black hole absorbs a star, the star is first pulled into the Ergosphere, this is the area between the event horizon and singularity, which sweeps all the matter into intergroup relations university the event horizon, named for it's flat horizontal appearance and critical properties where all transitions take place. The black hole doesn’t just pull the star in like a vaccuum, rather it creates what is known as an accretion disk which is hospital and clinics a vortex like phenomenom where the star’s material appears to go down the drain of the black hole.

When the star is passed on into the event horizon the university of michigan, light that the star ordinarily gives off builds inside the ergosphere of the black hole but doesn’t escape. At this exact point in austin library time, high amounts of radiation are given off, and with the proper equipment, this radiation can be detected and seen as an image of emptiness or as preferred, a black hole. Through this technique astronomers now believe that they have found a black hole known as Cygnus X1. This supposed black hole has a huge star orbiting around it, therefore we assume there must be a black hole that it is in orbit with. Science Fiction has used the black hole to come up with several movies and fantastical events related to the massive beast. Tales of time travel and of parallel universes lie beyond the hole. Intergroup University? Passing the event horizon could send you on that fantastical trip. Some think there would be enough gravitational force to possible warp you to an end of the universe or possibly to a completely different one. The theories about what could lie beyond a black hole are endless. The real quest is to first find one. So the college career, question remains, do they exist?

Black holes exist, unfortunately for the scientific community, their life is restricted to formulas and intergroup relations university of michigan super computers. But, and university of texas austin science there is a but, the scientific community is relentless in their quest to build a better means of tracking. Already the advances of hyper-sensitive equipment is showing some good signs, and the accuracy will only get better. Word Count: 2172. Our writers are all Uni graduates able to work effectively on any level under time constraints. Well-versed in most subjects and citation styles, our writers have years of ghostwriting experience doing both academic and professional projects. Every paper is written from scratch based on your instructions and there is no plagiarism of any kind. Plus, we guarantee free unlimited revisions. You will enjoy direct contact with the writer throughout the entire process and will receive the paper by e-mail/download. Intergroup Relations Of Michigan? The projects are never resold and network will remain your unique property for a lifetime. The service is intergroup university totally confidential and all client information is kept private.

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On the Life of Augustus: Cassius Dio. The Roman History is a huge and famed work concerning the development of the Roman empire from the early republic to his own day in the post Antoine world. It is relations university, history’s main source of information on blue hens, many central issues in Roman politics and intellectual history. It is divided, according to Dio, into the familiar divisions of Roman history that remain today. The period of the Republic, where all political and social power rested with the senate and intergroup university the population at large, then the takeover of Augustus, leading to the death of the university Stoic emperor Marcus, then, lastly his own day. Hence, the order of the relations of michigan work is clear, and remains the standard ordering of Roman history today. The work is university system wikipedia donald, not pleasant reading since he has the of michigan tendency to merely recite events. He appears at the opposite of Herodotus in this respect.

Dry facts and dates, while meticulously put together, make for very tedious reading. Nevertheless, one has the worst of both worlds when, usually out of nowhere, he uses what Philip Cary calls “rhetorical commonplaces” (“Introduction” xiv), where the really useful details of warfare are left out in order that the of texas austin library science typical and cliche Roman rhetorical devices can be dusted off. Need essay sample on intergroup, On the Life of Augustus: Cassius Dio ? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for hens softball you for only $12.90/page. What needs to be noted early on is that Dio was a senator. Intergroup University. He is from a senatorial family from Greece, and he himself held that office. He was a historian and a lifelong civil servant. Hence, there are two biases from career, his state: a Greek background and, importantly, a class status of high patrician, or a Senator, that one might expect to lead him into anti-empire descriptions, since the empire was built on intergroup relations university, the increasing irrelevance of the university system donald Senate. Octavian, soon to be Augustus, became the adopted son of the wildly popular Julius Caesar. In the literature, he is referred to as Caesar, Octavian, and, when taking power, Augustus. This can be confusing to the reader.

He very quickly sought to take action to claim the throne. His only relations university threat was Antony, one who made himself unpopular with the population because he did not take action against Julius’ assassins (Dio 45: 417). Dio makes the claim that, fairly early on, Julius adopted the university food policy young Augustus and began training him as a successor (Dio 45: 419). Antony moved equally as quick, attempting to buy off the army with grants of land. It was clear that, no matter the public face of intergroup of michigan, events, Antony and Octavian were enemies. Only one man could run the empire over the long term. He approached the army clumsily, and apparently, did not bribe them enough (45: 431). Most soon tool Caesar’s side against Antony. Brutus, the murderer of Julius, was governor of Gaul.

He did not trust Antony, and hence, Antony’s pleas to university food network him went unheeded. Intergroup University Of Michigan. Ultimately, it was the minnesota system wikipedia donald speech of the famed lawyer Cicero that turned many more against Antony (46: ch. 5). Nevertheless, Antony still had powerful supporters. Antony’s plan was to of michigan make certain the minnesota state university most powerful African provinces were under his control. Brutus in Gaul, however, was backed by the Senate. The Senate will be shown to be extremely fickle, oppositionist one minute, slavish the next. This becomes one of relations university of michigan, Dio’s most harsh condemnations of his own class.

The wording of Dio’s attacks speaks of a highly emotional appeal. He views his own Senatorial class back then as corrupt and, worse, vacillating. He sees no patriotism, no love of country, but mere self-serving activities. Antony, Caesar and Lepidus (the triumvirate) entered Rome and began to destroy elements of the population that might be hostile to them. University Library. They sought to appear friendly, but everything about them was aimed at enmity. The murders were of the wealthy, the powerful, those who might turn on them in the future, though Dio makes it clear that Antony was the chief leader of the murder bands, since he was less powerful (47: 129). Relations. This was aimed at decimating the senatorial class so as to smooth their way to power. Dio mentions the military leader Sulla and his own decimation of this class acting as a precedent for their actions. Roman politics can be reduced to battles between the senatorial class and the emperor, supported by the army. Dio does not attempt to downplay the violence, but, as the description goes on university iphone, in Book 47, he makes it clear that Octavian was not really a part of the violence.

It is possible that this was an afterthought on relations, Dio’s part, making certain that Octavian remains innocent, though this is not clear at stanford hospital and clinics, the beginning of the description. Caesar saved as many as possible during the massacre, as Dio is attempting to save his reputation–or so it seems. Antony was to intergroup university gain power by any means necessary, this Dio makes clear. So while Octavian has the minnesota university system wikipedia right of succession as being Julius’ adopted son, Antony is then depicted as conniving to intergroup gain power illegally, or at least, immorally. The Senate had declared him an outlaw, and healthstream and clinics Antony had created an Gaulish army that he thought might win him the Roman power. Nevertheless the destruction of so many wealthy patrons meant that the new rulers, Octavian and Antony in particular, could control the body in the future, replacing dead members with new ones loyal to them. This is always the upshot of the attacks on of michigan, the Senate, whether physical or legislative, making the oligarchy subservient to of delaware blue hens the emperor’s (and the relations university army’s) plans. Much of the property confiscated went to allies, and arizona especially, the army.

This is intergroup relations, yet another recurring theme: paying off the army with lands from conquered peoples is college services, central to effective political rule in intergroup, Rome. Dio is honest about the implications of state system wikipedia, this all-important policy. They also outdid each other in magnifying Julius Caesar, hoping by this method to gain the trust of the frightened populous. Antony and Caesar went out on campaign, as emperors should do, while the consul Lepidus, the third in the triumvirate, remained in the city. This latter was basically a nonentity, but was effective in the short run as administering the long neglected city of university, Rome. The senate was suspicious of Caesar, since he was growing in food, popularity.

Brutus of Gaul, himself popular in the Greek provinces, sought an alliance with the Senate (47: 163). After the campaign, both Caesar and Antony sought to placate their men by grants of land. Only the consul was nervous, and he was soon to intergroup relations university be dispatched. Brutus and Sextus of Sicily, sensing the divisions in the executive, sought to create their own alliances so as to take power. This will be dealt with later. Socially, Dio is a Senator, that means that one might expect him to support the political claims of his class, which were, in general, control over the Roman emperor and a stronger stress on oligarchy. In Dio’s case that is not true: he holds to the dignity of the emperor as something truly Roman, he stresses strength and arizona state email iphone patriotism over the weakness that his own class might be expected to support.

His hostility to Cicero is university, legendary, and yet, Cicero is the hero of the Senate and the republican cause in general. It was the healthstream and clinics empire, rather than a class or office, that Dio seems to support more than anything else, and, since he is going against his class much of the time, it might be said that this magnifies his reliability as a historian. The notion of the empire being in a constant dialectical motion with regard to the senate is also of Dio’s devising, a schema that most historians use today in dealing with all things Roman. As for his writing style, it is university of michigan, rather dry and descriptive, but his meaning is clear. In his dealings with the killing of Brutus (48: pg. 221), he believes it the will of heaven that such a thing happened, since Brutus himself was a murderer. The army is shown as basically fickle, demanding money and land above everything else, remaining apolitical so long as the of washington food policy network bribes come through on time. In Augustus’ case, the army was a problem in the early years of the diumvirate with Antony, since the Senate backed Caesar rather than Antony, rightly viewing the future Augustus as being less bloodthirsty that his rival, now taking over Africa, a place that Antony will soon make his base, and the food source of the empire itself. The story Dio tells between Octavian and Antony is occasionally difficult to follow. Antony, at first dismissive of Octavian as a younger man, was forced, given his rival’s behavior at Rome, to make peace with him. They both had substantial power bases, both had some claim to relations university power, and the senate, realizing this, reversed their earlier decree against Antony.

There was substantial moves to create pease between the two warriors so as to food policy network save the city any future bloodshed. Intergroup Relations University. Nevertheless, Octavian needed to continually placate the army, the “bad guy” in Dio’s narrative, and in order to do this there must be an eviction of many Italians to make way for the land allotments for 10,000 former soldiers. Antony made some use of this to attempt to turn the population from Octavian. Nevertheless, Octavian remains in Rome while Antony moved against the ever threatening Parthian empire in the east. Soon, Octavian will destroy yet another rival in Sextus, a rival who had dominated the wealthy island of Sicily,, after losing several naval engagements. When Octavian was master of the softball west, it was no just Antony and Octavian, the Sextan threat was gone. (49: 15) The defeat of Sextus led to the Senate considering Octavian to be the war leader par excellence. Generally, it was clear that Sextus was considered an outlaw, as Antony once was, and his defeat was generally considered popular by the Roman population. Sextus was using the powerful and strategic island of university, Sicily in order to control Rome thourgh the manipulation of trinity career services, grain supplies coming from Egypt.

In fact, this method of control led Augustus to late begin building the port cities of southern Italy, such as Ostia, so as to bypass Sicily. At the same time Antony was losing against the Parthians and their sometime enemy the Armenians (49: 19). While this was happening, Octavian took over the government of Rome, using his talented ally Aggripa as local satrap, providing necessary services to the Roman state, incuding the all-powerful city of Rome itself. Antony began creating an intergroup of michigan, “eastern empire” for himself–and is now married to pants Cleopatra–still, it should be noted, while married to Octavian’s sister, something that caused some problems with the always self-righteous Senate. Antony even went so far as to create his own “anti-senate” in Egypt, while at the same time his rival had formally denounced him to the actual Roman Senate in the city itself. Antony’s followers, knowing of the violence his rival could do, fled eastward. The Roman world was apparently split in relations university, two.

It could not have been a popular move to create an anti-empire in iphone, the east with a “foreign” queen given august titles and power beyond her abilities. Relations. (50: ch 3) Dio’s writing style emerges from dry description, and, seemingly animated by the idea of university of delaware blue hens, a split Roman world, begins to relations university of michigan write more as a novelist than a historian. This is healthstream stanford hospital and clinics, a change for relations university of michigan the better. Naval warfare won the day for Octavian. While massive forces were arrayed in Greece, the battle of Acitum led to an victory for Octavian’s forces, since the trinity career services fleet of Antony, not inconsiderable, was trapped, and relations university of michigan their attempt to move outward was defeated by Octavian. Antony’s forces on arizona email iphone, land, seeing the defeat of relations university, their boss’ naval forces, defected to that of Augustus, and Actium was considered the turning point in Roman history. (Dio 51).

This was the arizona state university iphone last gasp of the republic, and saw, oddly enough, an alliance of Octavian with the Roman senate. Maybe not so odd, since the Roman population as a whole was outraged by university of michigan, the creation of an anti-empire, giving the blue eastern lands away to a Grecian queen, Cleopatra. It was only when Antony married, however, that permitted the Senate to declare war. The dismembering of the relations university of michigan empire was not a problem, it only was the marriage alliance that roused them to action. Dio here has no mercy on his fellow senators.

Octavian as a military leader is blue softball, laid out in some detail in relations university, book 53. He stressed experience over numbers, slow cutting away at university of washington food network, his rivals rather than glorious sudden engagements. Being the ward of Julius Caesar paid off. The naval forces of Octavian were smaller, but loaded with former veterans, seasoned soldiers and sailors who made mincemeat of Antony’s larger but less experienced forces. The very fact that they so quickly abandoned Antony says something about their dedication. The point now was to take the power given to him, and use it wisely. Few thought the of michigan republic was worth saving, and, given the divisions in the empire, it was time to heal, and to state email create a unified state where the wealthy would have a check placed on their ambition. (Dio, 53 chapters 1 and 2). Octavian feigned a lack of interest in relations university, rule, and the Senate sought him out, attempting to convince him of his necessity to healthstream hospital and clinics the city. He took power at their suggestion and began to appoint governors for the most powerful provinces in the east–Egypt and Syria–and the west, in Gaul.

In Chapter 53, Dio deals with the conspiracy against Augustus and how this was used as an relations university of michigan, excuse to begin destroying opposition, something depicted as an unfortunate necessity given the former split in the empire. Unfortunately, the state system wikipedia donald reader is forced to agree with Dio’s assessment, as Roman politics is never a smooth game, Dio is convincing and eloquent here. Augustus took over all foreign and domestic roles as Emperor, and intergroup university created what one might call today a “new order. ” He was, using stealth, slowly concentrating power to himself with the senate’s assistance, but ultimately at their expense. In book 53 (chapters 1 and stanford and clinics 2), Octavian is shown taking more and more power, while all the time he posed as a passive participant. University. His wild popularity with the people made it possible for him to take full power while retaining the trappings of republicanism, and career services it is in intergroup relations of michigan, their ruse that Dio makes the single most famous element of Octavian’s rule. It is in this description that gave later historians all the ammunition they needed to judge the Roman Augustus. Dio writes: In this way he had his supremacy ratified by the senate and by the people as well. But as he wished even so to be thought democratic, while he accepted all the care and of washington food policy network oversight of the public business, on the ground that it required some attention on his part, yet he declared he would not personally govern all the provinces, and that in intergroup relations university, the case of such provinces as he should govern he would not do so indefinitely; and he did, in university of washington policy network, fact, restore to the senate the weaker provinces, on the ground that they were peaceful and free from war, while he retained the intergroup relations more powerful, alleging that they were insecure and precarious and either had enemies on their borders or were able on their own account to begin a serious revolt.

His professed motive in this was that the healthstream stanford hospital and clinics senate might fearlessly enjoy the finest portion of the intergroup relations university of michigan empire, while he himself had the hardships and the dangers; but his real purpose was that by this arrangement the senators will be unarmed and unprepared for battle, while he alone had arms and maintained soldiers (53: 220). Augustus reformed the army, creating a more regular division of men with a regular salary. This was a central reform. He also moved them to the ever porous frontiers, where they could do useful work and, importantly, can be kept out of politics. The Senate was put in its place. It was clearly a second rate entity under the Augustinian monarchy. Being an intelligent statesman, he treated the university policy network senate with decorum, and it was almost like the senate was not losing power at all. New offices were created where wealthy supporters of Octavian’s order can take some share of power. A new bureaucracy was developing where Octavian can staff it with his own friends, crating a new clientele.

The provinces were treated well, and the governors were chosen not merely for relations their support of the new state but for their competence. Client kingships were permitted to continue. He treated the provinces the say he treated the senate. In chapter 17 of Book 53, Dio writes: In this way the power of both people and senate passed entirely into the hands of Augustus, and from his time there was, strictly speaking, a monarch; for monarchy would be the truest name for it, no matter if two or three men did later hold the university of texas library degree power at the same time. The name of monarchy, to be sure, the Romans so detested that they called their emperors neither dictators nor kings nor anything of the sort; yet since the final authority for the government devolves upon them, they must needs be kings. The offices established by the laws, it is true, are maintained even now, except that of relations of michigan, censor; but the entire direction and administration is university of delaware blue hens softball pants, absolutely in of michigan, accordance with the wishes of the one in power at the time. And yet, in order to hartford career preserve the appearance of having this power by virtue of the laws and not because of their own domination, the emperors have taken to themselves all the relations university of michigan functions, including the state titles, of the offices which under the republic and by the free gift of the people were powerful, with the single exception of the university dictatorship.

He sought to reform the system donald morals of the intergroup of michigan elite, something important for university of washington policy the maintenance of social stability. He sought to of michigan limit divorces and to reward child rearing, He became a patron of the arts and literature. In book 53, it is clear that our writer is a fan of Octavian. He explains that the state university system celebrations of his victory and his coming to power were based on his own wealth; he refused to use public money to celebrate his victories. At the same time, he abolished many new laws that had been made by the triumvirate, which made him more popular, since Antony by university, this time was loathed in Rome, and the latter’s suicide was considered a loss of minor importance. In chapter 19, Dio writes “In this way the government was changed at that time for the better and in the interest of stanford hospital, greater security; for it was no doubt quite impossible for the people to be saved under a republic. University Of Michigan. ” What is the most interesting is Augustus’ address to the Roman people. He makes significant points that solidify his rule, he provides a constitution of sorts that would typify the sort of state that was slowly coming into university food policy being.

He first, without surprise speaks of intergroup relations, his army reforms, making a stronger and more rationalized force to deal with the frontier problems that will beset Rome until the end of her life. Since Dio well knows of these problems, he begins here a foreshadowing technique, attributing to of delaware pants Octavian a substantial amount of prophetic insight, of university, a sort. The army, by being mentioned first in his long speech, shows that army reform was primary in Octavian’s mind, since the loyalties of the army are necessary for any kind of social reform to arizona state email iphone take place, in fact for any monarch to successfully rule Rome. Then, he speaks of mercy, the desire to unify the empire and spare the lives of his former enemies. The fact that these two subjects are juxtaposed is significant, since army reform speaks of violence and defense, while mercy, of the opposite. Intergroup Relations University. The structure of this speech (one can presume Dio edited some of it) is very telling, and skillfully placed together. Many of them had fled anyway, but the city of Rome itself was to be unified, and again made the heart of the empire. This makes sense since the university food real reason Antony was hated was is desire to create a new Rome in Alexandria. Intergroup Of Michigan. Hence, he is appealing to Roman patriotism, something always central to Dio. He speaks of giving up his own office, of giving power back to the people, with the notion, though unstated, that it would be given back to him in trust.

He did not want power, so he says, and of washington food network is even willing to give the peaceful and wealthy provinces to intergroup relations university the senate, while he alone takes the strife-filled ones. The point here is that he will take the provinces that are filled with troops, while giving the Senate wealthy and peaceful provinces, but provinces without any men. It was a brilliant tactic, met with approval by Dio. Food Policy. He speaks of himself as a lover of peace, and goes through great pains to connect himself to Julius Caesar, the bringer of peace and plenty to the citizens of Rome (and ton of booty from foreign conquest, distributed to the Roman population). The fact that the civil war is over means the society can be unified again, bringing peace back to the strife-torn Roman state. He speaks of cooperation and the unity of all classes within the empire and the city of Rome itself. Relations University Of Michigan. In order to arizona state university email iphone do this, he says, the ancient laws of Rome should be guarded. Relations University. The populace is interested, apparently in two things, revolution and tradition. Opposites?

Not according to Dio: he speaks of revolution, he speaks of a radically altered constitution, but he also speaks of the placating of of texas library, popular opinion by at least using rhetoric that is traditional, and holding that the ancient Roman traditions need to be revived and guarded so as to ensure the stability of the people and the city. Dio reports Octavian to say: And yet, after all, I feel no hesitancy about intergroup relations of michigan suggesting to system donald you in a summary way what ought to be done in each of the leading departments of intergroup university of michigan, administration. Minnesota State University System Wikipedia. And what are these suggestions? In the first place, guard vigilantly the intergroup of michigan established laws and change none of university system wikipedia donald, them; for what remains fixed, even though it be inferior, is more advantageous than what is always subject to innovations, even though it seems to be superior. Next, pay strict heed to relations university do whatever these laws enjoin upon you and to refrain from whatever they forbid, and do this not only in word but also in deed, not only in public but also in private, that you may obtain, not penalties, but honors. Entrust the offices both of peace and of war to those who are the most excellent and the most prudent, harboring no jealousy of any man, and indulging in rivalry, not to advance the private interests of this or that man, but to keep the city safe and make it prosperous (53: 10).

Private interest needs to be rejected, Octavian says. This is very important to Dio, since the senate is the very nexus of private interest, and everything that was bad about the old republic. It has proven itself incompetent in the past precisely because it was an oligarchy, not an aristocracy. The fact that Dio is part of university pants, this class is telling; he is no doubt speaking the truth for he breaks rank with his own class to condemn–at least the old–senate, but clearly praising the new one since it supports the monarchy. University Of Michigan. As we have said: this senate has been purged many times, and its new members are powerful, royally minded, and need to be brought into the realm of rule, not rejected by it. Hence one can be a senator and be pro-emperor. But it is the old senate that is to university system wikipedia be condemned as a oligarchy. University. He speaks of treating the university of washington policy network provinces well.

These provinces are friends and allies of the Roman state, and should not be treated as cash cows. This is intergroup of michigan, very important, since the empire is based around a steady stream of revenue from the provinces. His reform of the rule of the provinces is something extremely important to Octavian, and important to hartford services the stability of the empire. They need competent and public spirited governors, not self-seeking senators and upper classmen. Peaceful provinces, independent of his plans with respect to the senate, are better for the empire than rebellious ones. It is important that public spirit be resurrected, it is central to intergroup relations the Roman idea, and of texas library cannot be destroyed by self-interest and self-seeking.

Again, this is relations university of michigan, a central recurring theme throughout this work, and arizona university email its influence on later generations of historians is intergroup relations of michigan, incalculable. The literary effect is that the empire is a democratically ratified constitution, state and way of political life. The emperor is populist, the of texas library science degree senate, oligarchic. They are opposites, literary types, as it were. But not merely literary types, but rather, historic forces that will appear and reappear throughout the history of the intergroup of michigan west. The people, according to Dio (52, pg. 219), demand royal government. They see stability and legal reform–not to mention subsidies–coming from centralized government.

They have had enough of the division of the self-seeking politicians, and want the results that they are convinced Augustus can provide for them. Central state power, it seems, is only a threat to the oligarchy, to Antony’s former supporters, politicians and senators who want a free playing field for self-enrichment. The people then, demand the royal power be taken in full by Octavian (cf. Healthstream And Clinics. 53: 12). It is intergroup, clear, however, theat the senate, whether from loyalty or from fear, ratified the university new position of relations university of michigan, Augustus. Many of them are creatures of Octavian, many simply support him because the political wind is blowing in a certain direction. The are also mollified, as aforesaid, by the notion of having full control over peaceful provinces such as Egypt. The plan and development of of washington food policy, rule is brilliant here, and the brilliance of relations university of michigan, it is certainly not lost on Dio. Dio has created a literary figure, the stuff of legend, in Octavian.

This is not to state university system donald denigrate his historical credentials, but to understand that, from a dry beginning, Dio has blossomed into a true historical novelist. Creating types, oligarchic self interest, division and patriotism, as well as populism in office, that will themselves become the very vocabulary of the historical profession right up until the 21st century. Dio says, writing from his position many years after the intergroup relations university of michigan fact, that the royal authority taken and college hartford created by intergroup university of michigan, Augustus has now “become tradition. ”(53, pg. 59) which is another way of saying that it has worked, for something cannot become tradition unless it has delivered the goods that has withstood the test of time and created an even more powerful, peaceful and hartford career services prosperous Roman state. He clearly states that this new state, created by Augustus and his unprecedented situation having defeated Anthony and preserved the unity of the intergroup relations empire, a unity far better than in the old republic. “Such is the university number and nature of the intergroup of michigan appellations which those who possess the imperial power employ in accordance with the laws and blue pants with what has now become tradition. At present all of intergroup university of michigan, them are, as a rule, bestowed upon the emperors at one and the same time, with the exception of the title of censor; but to the earlier emperors they were voted separately the different times. ” So says Dio in Book 53. The emperor appears to be even handed, by changing advisors every six months, so as to permit of no factionalism (53, pg 245). Factions more than anything else are odious to the people of Rome, who view Octavian as one who has restored unity, and hence, the ability of the state to continue to achieve its aims, significantly, after army reform and transportation reform. The rebuilding of roads is significant, for university system wikipedia donald it is a central service of the Roman state, and intergroup relations university of michigan this has been left to university abandonment during the long period of civil wars and unrest. The roads are also a symbol of Roman unity, and hence, their repair and reconstruction are emblematic of Augustus’ plans and intergroup relations his public image.

The repair of the state email roads encourages commerce, but, more importantly for the Roman population, they symbolize the unity and strength of the empire. After defeating the relations of michigan Alpine tribes, land in that part of the of texas library world, north-eastern Gaul, was given to members of the Roman guard, the personal bodyguard of the emperor. The praetorian guard itself. At the same time, he sought to give subsidies to the people after the intergroup relations pacification of the Gallic province. Dio writes at the beginning of book 54 that the reign of Augustus was “moderate. ” This means it maintained a mean between dictatorship on the one hand, and slavish populism on stanford and clinics, the other. He created, in this sense, a new set of political virtues. There was no grand campaigns, no tyranny, but there was–without a tear being shed–several more purges of the university of michigan senatorial body. Much of the beginning of this book is dedicated to the decadence of the university Senate, of bribe taking and, barring that, servile flattery towards the emperor.

Only a few were executed, but the Senate was continually rendered toothless, but could never be abolished altogether. He reformed jury trials, making trials public, and all deliberations available to the common folk. His moderation is found in the request of the senate–he always make such requests, regardless of his dominating the latter–that Rome make no further conquests. Rome had reached her natural limits, with the understanding that it was now time to rationally govern what the Romans already had, rather than seeking to relations university of michigan paper over incompetent rule with promises of future conquests and the slaves and university of delaware blue pants booty that such conquests provided. Intergroup University. This was an university of delaware blue hens pants, open challenge to the senate, though Dio is rather reserve in developing it as such. He still seeks to maintain the fiction that the senate, though purged, was an independent body. Relations University. , it was not, and its independence was challenged by the demand that rule be one of stewardship, rather than simply continued conquest. The senate later, as Dio well knows, was not up to this challenge. This is what was going on in the city. Augustus administered the minnesota state university system subject territory according to the customs of the Romans, but permitted the allied nations to be governed in their own traditional manner; and he did not regard it as desirable either to make any additions to the former or to extend the latter by any new acquisitions, but thought it best to be satisfied with precisely what they already possessed, and intergroup relations university of michigan he communicated this opinion to the senate (Dio 54, 9) On page 323, another important piece of of washington network, legislation is discussed, that against bribe taking.

Continual moral reform was as important as anything else in the empire, abnd both int terms of sexual fidelity, as well as financial fidelity, morals were enforced. Marriage and honest dealing were encouraged, and anyone convicted of taking bribes was given the relatively moderate punishment of being debarred from office for 5 years. He sought to continually replace senators and harm senatorial power by decreeing that any wealthy person in the empire is eligible for relations of michigan office. And even here, if the property qualification was not met with by a competent man, it was provided by of washington network, the emperor himself. In this way, more and more clients of the relations of michigan king were created, recreating the Roman state, maintaining an oligarchy, but with the understanding that money was the true route to power, not being a part of the formerly closed senatorial class. Here, he could split the upper class over food the spoils of office. When he had done this, he purged the relations senatorial body. For the members seemed to him to be too numerous even now, and he saw nothing good in a large throng; moreover, he hated not only those who were notorious for university blue softball pants some baseness, but also those who were conspicuous for their flattery. Intergroup. And when, as on the previous occasion, no one would resign of his own free will, and Augustus, in his turn, did not wish to incur blame alone, he himself selected the thirty best men (a point which he afterwards confirmed by oath) and bade them, after first taking the same oath, choose five at a time, relatives not to university of texas austin science degree be included, by writing the names on tablets (54: 13) The local opposition parties were silenced by victorious missions to Gaul, where the endlessly difficult Celtic tribes of the Alpine region were pacified again and again.

When things got too hot in the capital, it was easy to leave for a time, and earn some socially necessary military victories, always significant in creating popularity, though Dio does not make this inference. Though bad in itself, the behavior of the Celtic tribes, described by Dio in almost unutterable forms, made the victories over them all the more significant to the new reign. The Celts apparently began slaughtering their Roman captives, and even made daring raids into intergroup relations of michigan central Italy, having already taken the fertile and strategic Po valley in the north. These victories provided greater popularity and proved the competence of the new reign, since the Senate, time and again, proved itself incompetent to university deal with military disturbances in the western provinces before. In the process, he mad many new citizens, and granted some cities their liberties under the indirect rule of Rome.

Again, all of this was good policy, both for Rome and her allies, but also for building up provincial clients for the new government and system. It is precisely in this client building measures that the new system was to last as long as it did, to “become tradition” in the words of Dio. These measures are clearly approved by our historian, as they are the very building blocks of a newly stabilized and just Roman empire. In these cities and re-conquered provinces, he created local forms of government, maintained local customs, and relations university attached them, via the newly reconstructed roads, to commerce with the capital. He provided them with stable currency, which did nothing but stimulate more and more trade and economic development. Minnesota. New classes of intergroup of michigan, elites developed in the provinces which werre basically creates of the empire, for their owned their success to university donald the Roman empire. Hence, granting liberties was doing nothing but cementing them further into the Roman state. This is an issue that Dio returns to again and again.

In a daring move, Dio reports that, as senatorial families, some ancient, had lapsed into poverty, he permitted “knights” or low level soldiers of distinction, to be able to take senatorial posts. Though still a very prestigious position, life as a senator was becoming more difficult, more humiliating and more dangerous,. Hence, even among some of the older senatorial families, there were many who did not want to take seats, and used their financial ineligibility as an excuse. Many lower level soldiers, the Roman knights, were given these posts, making the same a more and intergroup relations university of michigan more popular body with the population, the army and with the elite in the provinces, many of whom had local bodies similar in policy, composition to the Roman senate, and all basing their legitimacy on intergroup, the emperor (54- 26). By way of conclusion, by the time the reader is finished with these 10 central books of The Roman History, one comes away with an ambiguous picture. There is the creation of literary types, with their archetypal virtues and vices: the senate, self seeking; the emperor, populist and strong; the people, wanting strong rule, basically virtuous; the army, ever fickle and corruptible. Ultimately, there is only one character in this description: that of the empire itself. All the above types serve the empire in healthstream and clinics, one way of another, some bad, others good. The army’s claim is based on its central role in creating the empire in the first place.

The senate seems to have no claim at all, except by claim of descent, a claim made absurd by Dio. Dio ends by implying that the empire is best served by a connection between people, army and emperor, and that the senate is far from the repository of political wisdom it was created to be. Dio’s style is reserved, occasionally religious, and, in relations university, the end, has a powerful belief in university of washington network, fate, though this is far from blind fate, and in Dio’s treatment, nothing is intergroup relations university of michigan, done by chance. Arizona State University. Virtue, and virtue alone, regardless of its specific institutionalization, is of michigan, central to everything. Man makes his own luck.

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I made a few important changes to library science the overall structure of your essays, and intergroup university I made a number of sentence-level adjustments. In addition, I corrected all grammatical errors that I found, including misused articles, verb conjugations, and prepositions. Although I have not cited each specific change, these revisions were an essential part of my editing--they ensured that your essays to XXX were as formal and hartford rigorous as possible. I also adapted sentence structure, vocabulary, and syntax in intergroup university many places, always with the goal of improving clarity and readability. Although I did not encounter any major problems with your word choice or level of English (something you were concerned about), I have nonetheless offered alternative wording choices so that your essay can be as effective as possible. See the text of university iphone each essay for examples of the changes I propose.

Here are my specific comments pertaining to each individual essay: The most significant problem with the wording of this essay was the conclusion, which contained the following phrases: . resolving critical issues. I want to make the most use of my nature and experience by relations university of michigan, learning knowledge. . and to grow up to be a true leader. These phrases do not do adequate justice to the individuality of your essay. All leaders resolve critical issues, and all XXX applicants want to learn knowledge and to become true leaders. Consequently, these assertions do not separate you from other applicants. In the revised conclusion, I have more carefully described the unique elements of your leadership philosophy, including your willingness to work with others, your emphasis on shared goals, and your ability to delegate authority and to motivate your teammates. Your essay does a good job of illustrating your use of these techniques, and of delaware softball pants I have given them greater prominence in my edit.

I carried out the following points as a leader. This is an awkward transition because it is too obvious. See the subtler transition sentence that I have provided. Finally, please note that I replaced instances of the pronoun we with I, since this essay is intergroup relations of michigan about you. It is perfectly acceptable to highlight your own accomplishments, especially since these accomplishments are more impressive than those achieved through collective effort. Never be afraid to trinity hartford make yourself the university central character in system wikipedia donald your essays. In contrast to your first essay, the relations of michigan second essay required a more engaging introduction. University Food Network. An effective way to grab the reader's attention is to drop him right into the story. Relations Of Michigan. See the narrative device I used to introduce the college hartford reader directly into the drama. In addition, please note that your original first sentence sounded too much like a thesis statement. It is not necessary to outline your argument explicitly in the first paragraph, and I have shown how you can develop your story gradually to build suspense.

By describing your goals after outlining the nature of the new IT course, you can whet the reader's appetite and draw him into your essay. Also, Digital Divide was not clearly defined in intergroup relations of michigan the introduction, so I added new details to ensure that any reader will understand what you mean. You should always explain terminology that might be unfamiliar to a reader. In the interest of healthstream stanford readability, this should be rewritten as: 54.5 billion. The administration of Japan is really behind in IT area. This sentence is too informal for intergroup use in an application essay. I learned the hartford services importance to strengthen union in a team. The phrase, I learned, is overused in application essays, and it drains the power out of effective descriptions. I have restricted the use of relations this phrase to state the conclusion, the only position in which it is intergroup university of michigan truly effective. By assigning suitable role for each member, the person can demonstrate his or her power to the maximum extent. The use of the word power is stanford hospital and clinics incorrect in this context.

I have reworded this sentence to relations of michigan make it flow better. I chose XXX because of minnesota state donald its culture, which regards teamwork as important. This detail is ineffective since it is obvious that XXX would regard teamwork as important. . the university diversity environment. Allusions to diversity are often overused in application essays. University Of Texas Science. I have retained your core idea but have reworked it to make your language fresh and of michigan engaging. Your essays now read much better and will leave a more lasting impression on the admissions committee. University Science Degree. I wish you the best of luck in the application process. See how EssayEdge experts from schools including Harvard, Yale and relations of michigan Princeton can help you get into business school!

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Digital Publishing Annotation Use Cases. This document is also available in this non-normative format: ePub. This document describes the set of relations university of michigan use cases generated for Annotation and state system donald, Social Reading within the W3C Digital Publishing Interest Group, in coordination with the Open Annotation Community Group. This section describes the status of intergroup this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of current W3C publications and healthstream, the latest revision of this technical report can be found in the W3C technical reports index at This document was published by the Digital Publishing Interest Group as an Interest Group Note. Relations University! If you wish to make comments regarding this document, please send them to (subscribe, archives). All comments are welcome. Publication as an Interest Group Note does not imply endorsement by the W3C Membership. This is a draft document and may be updated, replaced or obsoleted by other documents at trinity any time.

It is inappropriate to cite this document as other than work in progress. The disclosure obligations of the Participants of this group are described in the charter. This section is non-normative. Annotation is a pervasive activity when reading or otherwise engaging with publications. In the physical world, highlighting and sticky notes are common paradigms for marking up and associating one's own content with the work being read, and many digital solutions exist in the same space. These digital solutions are, however, not interoperable between systems, even when there is only one user with multiple devices. This document lays out the use cases for annotations on intergroup relations of michigan digital publications, as envisioned by and clinics, the W3C Digital Publishing Interest Group, the intergroup relations university, W3C Open Annotation Community Group and the International Digital Publishing Forum. The use cases are provided as a means to drive forwards the conversation about standards in this arena.

The use cases are divided into five sections: annotations that target only the entire publication, annotations that target a particular part of a publication, more complex annotations, the publication of annotations and stanford and clinics, finally use cases that are directly related to accessibility. 2.1 Annotations Targeting the relations, Full Publication. A user wishes to university blue softball pants, write a comment about relations university a particular publication, such as a single issue of a comic or a single book title. The comment is written in plain text or basic HTML, either on the reading platform (such as a web browser or reading system, henceforth user agent) or in the content provider's platform. The user wishes other readers to be able to see the comment linked to the publication, and potentially before they purchase or download it, as well as afterwards.

Anna is reading Alice in Wonderland online and, using a tool built into the provider's website, comments that she really loves the way the book is arizona university email iphone written. She then shares this with her friend, Ben. Ben is reading a Manga comic on intergroup of michigan a mobile device. He comments that it is helping him to learn Japanese and publishes this comment for anyone to read online. A user wishes to organize their personal digital library by and clinics, tagging the intergroup relations, publications that they have access to. The tag could be either drawn from a list of terms (a taxonomy) or free text (sometimes called a folksonomy). User agents encountering such an annotation must be aware of the difference between a tag and a comment, even though both might be modeled as an annotation.

Tags are typically rendered separately and very differently from short textual comments, such as in a tag cloud or list. The user then wishes to view their library partitioned via the tags. The user may wish to share their tags with other users to help the recipient categorize their own library, or find publications of mutual interest. Colleen has a collection of works of various types in her library about chemistry, science fiction and stanford, the renaissance. She tags each work with what they are about, and whether she enjoyed reading them or not. David tags an online poem about his home town with the URI for the location from Wikipedia.

He publishes this annotation so that others can find it. 2.1.3 Structured Review of intergroup university of michigan a Publication. A user wishes to provide a structured review of a particular publication, including pre-defined fields such as star ratings for quality, cost, entertainment or other domain-specific information. The review could also include a full text description, such as the comment in state email the first use case. University Of Michigan! The definition of the fields would be retailer, publisher or domain-specific. In the scholarly domain, this could be expected to state university, provide a distributed and standardized peer-review system, rather than the current use of vendor-specific interfaces.

In the commercial sector, it could help to standardize such features as product reviews across sites. Emily has read a textbook and provides a review of it online to help her classmates and other students. She gives it ratings on value for money, ease of use, ease of understanding, and overall quality, plus a long form description of the work. Fabio is intergroup relations of michigan reviewing a scholarly article for an academic publisher. The publisher requires various fields to healthstream and clinics, be completed, such as relevance to the journal, novelty of the research, and quality of the experiments described. He also provides a discussion about the paper and how it relates to the field.

2.1.4 Textual Comment Maintained Separately from relations university of michigan Annotation Document. A user wishes to link an existing web resource, such as a blog post, to the particular publication that it is about. The comment could be any online resource, in any format. Wikipedia Donald! The user wishes other readers to be able to see the resource linked to the publication, and potentially before they purchase or download it as well as afterwards. Gretchen uses a common blog hosting platform to write a comment about a work she has read for a book club, and then her user agent annotates the intergroup relations, book with the link to email, the blog post. She then shares the relations, annotation with the of texas austin library, members of her book club. Harry has written a long blog post about the features of a digitized medieval manuscript. The manuscript is available via a dedicated website, and he links the blog post to the website's publication via an annotation in a personal note taking system. 2.1.5 Comment and/or Publication are Multimedia Resources. A user wishes to comment on an online resource by of michigan, means of recording a short video on her phone and uploading it either just the audio track, or the entire video stream. The resource may also be of any format, including audio, video, image or any other data.

The user wishes other consumers to system, be able to intergroup of michigan, view their video when interacting with the commented on resource. Ingrid uses a mobile device to degree, take a video of herself discussing a work that she has just read for a book club. She posts the intergroup university of michigan, video to a commonly used video sharing platform, and then her user agent annotates the book with the link to the video. She then shares the healthstream stanford, annotation with the members of her book club. Intergroup Relations! Jeremy has recorded a professor speaking about the features visible in an image of a map. The map is available via a dedicated website, and of texas austin library degree, the professor hosts the intergroup, audio recording of his lecture. Harry links the audio stream to the map for the benefit of other students. 2.1.6 Annotated Resource is an Annotation. A user wishes to reply to an existing annotation with her own comments in system wikipedia a threaded discussion. The existing annotation has been made and published by another user, using a different user agent. The reply may also be a tag on the existing annotation in intergroup relations order to add to a combined moderation score, to classify it under some agreed upon scheme, or to add keywords to aid in discovery.

Karen replies to a comment on state university email iphone a news video to say that she agrees with the original commenter, and provides additional evidence towards the points discussed. Luis tags a comment in an online discussion forum that contains offensive material to aid the moderators in keeping the university of michigan, discussion on topic and friendly. A user wishes to contribute their experience in the form of a comment, and wishes to remain known as the blue hens, author of that content and annotation that links it to the publication. The annotation must record its provenance, including the user's identity, when and how the intergroup relations, annotation was created, and for what purpose. This provenance is important for appropriate display of the annotation, filtering or ordering of annotations, maintaining and assigning credit for annotations, determining allowed usage of the annotation, and many other similar requirements. Desirable metadata features: Creator's identity and information Creation time Creation tool Purpose of the annotation.

Examples: tagging, describing, commenting, identifying, bookmarking, highlighting. Intended Audience. Note: This could based on any information known about the user, such as age, reading ability, accessibility requirements. Category or Subject. Examples: Astronomy, Chemistry, Education, History, Technology, Sports Identity of trinity college hartford services original Annotation of which the current one is a copy Licensing and/or Rights statements. Note that many of intergroup relations university these features are desirable for minnesota state university wikipedia donald, the body and target resources as well. Madeleine annotates a short story that she has read for an online class, and submits the intergroup of michigan, annotation into the coursework system.

The system keeps track of her identity for credit towards the university degree, class, when it was created to ensure that her work was submitted on time, the fact that it was created externally rather than within the university, coursework system, and other attributes. Nigel discovers a typo in an online encyclopedia entry that is not able to be edited by state university, users directly. He annotates the entry with the typo and gives the correction. The system records the provenance of the annotation and adds him into its reputation system, which generates an automatic scoreboard for relations university, users and articles. 2.1.8 Annotation has Multiple, Independent Comments and/or Tags. A user wishes to associate multiple resources at the same time with a publication, where the resources are independent of each other. The resources might be a comment and several tags added by the user to the publication at the same time. Alternatively, tags might be extracted from the university email iphone, comment's text by an automatic process and added to the annotation about the publication after the user agent confirms their relevance. Olivia exports her reviews from her user agent, which include both her comments and the tags assigned to the publication when she was doing the review.

Peter is intergroup university of michigan reading a romance novel online and hospital, comments about the use of a particular character. Intergroup Relations University! The user agent proposes 3 semantic tags from the comment, of which he accepts two. Arizona University! These tags are added to the annotation along with the comment. 2.2 Annotations Targeting Specific Segments of intergroup relations university Publications. 2.2.1 Bookmarking Current Reading Position. A user wishes to have their user agent record the location they have read up to in the publication, either with a manual or automatic bookmark. This bookmark should be positioned at a particular point within the publication, such as a page or an offset within the character stream. The placement of the bookmark might be automatic (the user agent always moves the bookmark as the user reads) or manual (the user moves the bookmark as they desire).

When using the platform again, the user wishes to optionally start reading from the bookmarked position. The user also wishes to share this position with others to show how far through the publication they have progressed. Arizona State Email Iphone! This might be publically shared for relations of michigan, bragging rights, shared semi-publically such as a reading group or class, or shared privately between platforms that the user has access to in order to maintain the position between devices. Qitarah is reading a fantasy book as she commutes to work on the train every day. When she closes her mobile device, her reading system automatically bookmarks where she was reading so she can resume from that position when she gets the train home in the evening. Rangi is studying for an exam and creates bookmarks in his textbooks and required reading documents at home. State! He also studies on campus and intergroup of michigan, needs access to those bookmarks from the school's computers.

He does not want other students to university austin library degree, see his bookmarks, as he is competitive and wants to be the top of the intergroup relations university of michigan, class. A user wishes to of washington network, highlight a span of text in a publication for emphasis. The exact nature of the presentation of that emphasis may or may not be important to maintain, this use case assumes that it is not. The emphasis might be to mark a passage of particular importance, a typo or other mistake, something to of michigan, cite in another document, to bring to the attention of other readers, or to mark two such selections for comparison. The user may wish to share the austin degree, highlight, and certainly wishes it to be accessible on relations university multiple platforms to which she has access. In this use case there is no requirement to provide a comment or body of the annotation, simply to record a highlighted span of text. Siobhan is preparing to publish a newspaper article and arizona email, is doing background research.

She highlights various sections of other publications in order to university, later come back to them and decide if she should include them as quotes in the article or not. Thomas is proofreading his own term paper and highlights areas that he needs to work on. He does this on university of delaware hens softball a mobile device, but later needs to see those highlights in of michigan his word processing software. A user wishes to of washington food, make a comment about a particular span of text. Relations University Of Michigan! This is the college career, most intuitive use case for annotation of intergroup relations digital publications, and thus the area in which interoperability has the state system donald, highest impact. Intergroup University Of Michigan! The comment is iphone textual, but may have additional markup in HTML to provide style formatting, layout or linking. The Annotation should be sharable, as per of michigan, the other use cases. Umeko works for the government and is researching a particular topic. She highlights sections of text in various publications and makes personal notes about them. University Of Texas Austin Library Degree! She then uses visualization software to university of michigan, pull all of the notes together to organize her research.

Vladimir reads a news article online that he knows contains misinformation. He leaves a comment to this effect, associated with the state university wikipedia, part of the article that is not well founded. 2.2.4 Annotating Embedded Resources. A user wishes to make a comment about intergroup relations of michigan a particular resource that is embedded as part of the publication, such as an image or video. In the general case, the user would expect to somehow select the embedded resource and then launch the interface for adding comments in university food network the same way as commenting on text. The embedded resource may be of any media type, but for this use case must be rendered directly as part of the publication. Whitney is reading a comic and comments on a particular image that it is much darker than the other cells in the publication. Intergroup Relations University! Xavier is reading a white paper that includes an embedded dataset. He tags the dataset with a semantic URI identifying the subject matter of the dataset, which is different to college hartford, the paper as a whole. 2.2.5 Annotating Parts of Embedded Resources.

A user wishes to annotate a particular part of an embedded resource, such as a rectangular section of an image or a particular time range of an embedded video file. The annotation should be rendered using this information, rather than simply attached to the embedded resource itself. The embedded resource may be of any media type, but must be rendered by the reading system. Thus video, image, audio and relations university of michigan, similar are in scope for this use case, but not stylesheets or scripts which are not rendered directly. Annotations on audio files may present additional rendering challenges, compared to ones with a visual component. The user then wishes to trinity hartford, share the annotation with others. The parts of resources to be annotated include: Character position in an embedded text or data stream Time position within an audio or video stream x/y points in relations university of michigan an area such as an image or video x/y/z points in a volume such as a 3d object Character ranges within a text or data stream Time ranges within an audio or video stream Areas within an image, including rectangular, circular and polygonal areas Volumes within a 3d object. Yadira is teaching a class on physics and arizona university, annotates part of an embedded video within the electronic textbook, delineating the time range that she wants to use as an intergroup relations, example. She then shares this annotation, and others that are similar, before the class so her students can watch them.

Zahir is reading an online magazine about fashion and university iphone, annotates part of one of the relations university of michigan, images that depicts a particular style he wishes to replicate in his own work. 2.2.6 Annotating Alt Text of university of delaware hens Embedded Resources. A user wishes to write a comment about a resource embedded within the publication, and to associate it with alternate, accessible representations of that resource, such as the alt text/long desc provided. The comment may be only about part of the alternate representation, and thus segments of the alternate representation must be able to intergroup relations of michigan, be selected. College Services! The alternate representation may or may not have its own URI or other identity; it may exist solely in an attribute of a particular HTML document.

Ahmed is intergroup concious of accessibility and annotates the depiction of a friend in a photograph, and wants to align that annotation with the state system donald, name of the person in the textual description of the photograph in his school yearbook. University! The text description is provided in the alt text of the state email, image element. Bianca is annotating a video. She associates his comments about linguistics with both the time range of the video, but also the accessible text transcription of the speeches. 2.2.7 Annotation Comparing Segments within a Publication.

A user wishes to annotate two or more parts of intergroup relations of michigan a publication, embedded resources, or part of an embedded resource, in order to compare or contrast the targets. This may be to stanford, point out university of michigan inconsistencies in the content or rendering, to make a note about two similar or related passages, or to link part of an minnesota state university, embedded resource to where it is referenced in the text. Craig is studying a book for university of michigan, an English class and highlights the minnesota university donald, sections where the author is talking about the age of a character, to demonstrate that the intergroup relations university of michigan, author is inconsistent. He makes the case in the comment that this is intentional. Dee highlights areas in charts within a scientific article that demonstrate a particular fact related to her own work. She comments with a personal note to this effect. 2.2.8 Annotation Comparing Segments between Publications.

A user wishes to annotate two or more parts of different publications in order to compare or contrast the targets. This may be to make a note about two similar or related passages such as plagiarism, or to link part of an embedded resource to where it is referenced elsewhere. For example, the user may wish to link appearances of the same character in multiple books, popular references to prior works, or examples of passages that contradict each other in scholarly literature. Enrique discovers three news articles about the college, same event which give very different accounts. Intergroup! He selects the trinity, disagreeing numbers given in each, and intergroup relations university, comments that he believes the lowest of the three and gives his rationale. Faith is university of texas austin library linking the transcriptions of relations of michigan song lyrics, published in various anthologies, together based on obscure references to particular real world people. She tags the food policy network, segments with the person's identity in relations of michigan Wikipedia. A user wishes to annotate a digital publication in one format and have the annotation appear for different representations of the same resource.

For example, an annotation created on an EPUB should also be rendered on the equivalent PDF or HTML page. Arizona State Iphone! The annotation can be either on the publication level, or anchored to of michigan, a particular part of the text. College Hartford! Annotations on embedded resources (such as images) that are embedded without identity in alternate representations are not considered in scope, for relations university, example annotating a part of an image in an HTML page which is then embedded within the PDF representation of the page. Gerard is hospital and clinics reading a book on motorsports that is intergroup relations university of michigan published both online and reproduced as a PDF. He publishes an annotation about donald a span of text in the HTML version, and expects that it will appear in his tablet based reading platform after synchronization, where the intergroup relations university of michigan, same article is a PDF. Hailee reviews a scholarly article in a dedicated client on her computer, where the article is a print-ready PDF. The same review should be also linked to the article in the publisher's online HTML based system. A user wishes to annotate part of a publication for which she has multiple editions, or that is updated regularly, and have those annotations persist between versions of the same publication. If the publisher provides a new version of a publication, known to university blue softball pants, happen silently at intergroup times for university wikipedia donald, various reasons, then the intergroup relations of michigan, annotations about the publication should be available on this new version rather than equally silently disappearing. Email! As with any annotation that should be presented with more than just the resource it was created for, cross versioning allows for a wider audience and intergroup relations university of michigan, thus is a potential target for spammers. Ichiro wishes to annotate the university of delaware blue softball, first line of Hamlet in such a way that it should appear on all of the copies of the play that the user has access to, rather than just the particular version that was open when the annotation was created.

Jacinta is a teacher who wishes to annotate a text book in such as way that her annotations are visible to her students even though they do not have the exact same version, but instead have acquired it from relations university different retailers. This use case is particularly challenging to solve in blue hens environments in relations university which identifiers for the work, rather than the particular version, do not exist. A user wishes to associate a particular style with an annotation, either for the comment or the delineation of the target of the annotation. The style should include any rendering attributes available, such as background or text color, border color and university degree, other attributes, font size, and so forth. When colors or styles associated with annotations are meaningful to an individual, to of michigan, a particular group, or just generally, a text label should be able to be associated with the annotation drawn from a list of terms (taxonomy) or free text, in order to healthstream stanford hospital, assist with accessbility. Ken draws a bounding box on an image of the night sky, and wishes to ensure that his client in the future will draw the box in bright green to stand out, and certainly not to draw it in the default black which would be unable to be seen. Lynda highlights parts of a non-fiction text in two colors that have meaning to her; red strikethrough is statements that she disagrees with, and green background is for statements that she does agree with. These styles must be maintained for the highlights to be of any use in the future. 2.3.4 Maintaining Annotation Layout. A user wishes for relations of michigan, their annotations to be presented at a particular location on the page, such that the layout of the annotations doesn't interfere with the reading of the state email iphone, publication.

For example, annotations could be styled as a particular height and width, and then put into the margins of the page or over top of other white space. Annotations could be visually ordered such that reading them in intergroup of michigan the presented order gave a better experience than reading them in the order of the targets within the of washington food network, publication. Thirdly, the layout could be used for organization of intergroup thoughts concerning the publication by moving all of the related annotations together spatially. The location could be expressed as CSS absolute or relative positioning. Maurice is reading a fixed-layout work and positions his annotations above whitespace in the text with arrows to the character span that they refer to. By doing this, he means to ensure that they do not interfere with other consumers' reading of the content while still having his comments visible.

Nadia is a publisher and lays out the author's annotations on a novel in such a way that they aid the state system wikipedia donald, reader in university understanding how the author was thinking about arizona state his characters. She expects that the annotations will remain where they are placed, as this is important to the user's experience. 2.3.5 Recording State of intergroup of michigan Changing, Online Resources. A user wishes to annotate the publication as it appears with dynamic resources in university of texas austin a particular state, or in intergroup terms of the university of delaware hens, web architecture, given a particular representation. Resources on the web may change their representation over time or may have multiple representations at the same time via content negotiation. Intergroup! The URI of the resource alone is healthstream hospital thus not sufficient to determine the representation that was delivered to the annotator, and additional information such as the relations university, time of the request and the HTTP headers sent must be recorded. Owen annotates an online travel publication that is frequently updated with the latest information, such as the prices of hotel rooms and the quality of restaurants in the area. Of Texas Austin! He wants his annotation to be associated with the current state of the work, and not necessarily any future state. Petra is intergroup relations university reading a book that dynamically embeds images via a service. The JPG format that is used by a particular publication is rendered with too high a compression level, and it is hard to understand compared to the original PNG format. She thus wishes to comment only on the JPG that it is hard to see, rather than on the PNG which shares the system wikipedia donald, same negotiable URI.

2.3.6 Recording State of User Manipulated Resources. A user wishes to annotate a publication with embedded, dynamic resources. These resources are able to be manipulated by the user, rather than via the HTTP protocol or simple change over time. Some number of manipulations must be performed in relations of michigan order for the target of the annotation to be visible or understandable, regardless of the accuracy of the description of the target segment. The consuming user agent should then be able to hartford career, reproduce these manipulations in order to allow a third party to see the resource as annotated. Quinn is studying a publication that embeds a 3 dimensional model of a protein structure that can be rotated, panned and zoomed. In one particular orientation a certain feature is easily visible, whereas from other viewpoints it is not. He wishes for his annotation on the feature to be displayed with that same view to make it easier for the consumer to understand. Ramona highlights some text in a page that is relations responsive to user interactions and preferences. Arizona State University Email Iphone! The text is a dynamic transcription of a medieval manuscript, where her options change how the abbreviations and spelling are presented from either exactly how they appear on the page to what a modern reader would understand.

She wishes to annotate the intergroup university of michigan, expanded text, as she thinks the editor has made a mistake with a particular revision. This use case is particularly challenging to university of texas austin library science degree, solve in of michigan the generic case rather than with media specific solutions. 2.3.7 Annotation has a Choice of Multiple, Dependent Bodies or Targets. A user wishes to annotate a publication or part thereof with multiple options for the body or target. The options are thus dependent on each other, and policy network, only one of the options should be displayed to the user.

This might include translations of the same comment, alternative formats for the same content, and alternative URLs that all make the same content available. Solomon speaks both Japanese and English, and wishes to provide translations of his comment in both languages. He teaches English as a foreign language in Japan, and his students should be able to choose whether to view it in one language or the other. Teynika annotates a paper that is relations university of michigan published in multiple locations, however the representations are identical. Trinity Career! One copy is in a subject based repository, the other in her institutional repository.

She wishes to explicitly link both of the targets to ensure her annotation can be presented along with at least one copy of the paper from the most convenient location to the consumer. 2.3.8 Annotation has Multiple, Dynamically Defined Targets. A user wishes to target segments of a resource that appear more than once in that resource, termed here a repeated segment. The user does not necessarily know the exact number of times the repeated segment appears in relations the resource; the interpretation of the annotation is understood to be independent of the number of instances of the repeated segment. Ulrich, a copy editor, creates an annotation proposing a correction to replace all instances of the string pleaf'd with the string pleas'd.

Essentially the annotation is proposing a search and replace operation of the state university email, sort ubiquitous in modern word processing systems. Veronica, a manufacturer, wishes to annotate all products of a certain class in his products database with a note that these items will go on sale next week for 15% off for 2 weeks only. 2.3.9 Determination of Annotation Validity after Target is Modified. A user annotates a publication with a correction to the text. The publisher then acts upon intergroup relations university of michigan this annotation to correct the mistake, or in the scholarly field potentially to retract the publication from the university of delaware blue softball, scientific record. After the correction has been made, the annotation no longer applies to the publication and hence should not be displayed. It may be important not to delete the annotation, such that the user gets credit in some system for intergroup relations university, reporting the correction. The system that maintains the annotation may not be connected to the system that publishes the publication, and hence might not be able to be updated. Wesley annotates a gaming manual with a correction as to which controls are needed to perform a particular move. The publisher re-issues a new copy of the manual after the correction has been made to college, avoid other users having the relations university, same frustration.

Quinn's annotation should not appear on the new version. Xena annotates a typo in how her name is spelt (two 'n's instead of one) in a book about the research in her field. Once the second 'n' has been removed, the annotation should be considered resolved and no longer displayed. This use case is particularly challenging to solve in healthstream stanford hospital the generic case rather than within specific systems that understand the motivation of the annotation and when it has been resolved. 2.3.10 Determination of Annotation Validity for Embedded Resources.

A user annotates an intergroup relations of michigan, embedded resource, such as an image, which is used in several places within a publication. The annotation is only valid, or relevant, when additional restrictions are in place and should not be displayed when those restrictions are not true. Yasir reads a publication in which the same headshot photograph is used for two different people and wants to annotate the photograph to say that it is wrong when used on page 1, but not have the of texas degree, annotation displayed when the photograph is used correctly on intergroup relations university page 3. Zoe wishes to comment that a company logo should only be used in the header on every page, but nowhere else. 2.4.1 Sets of Annotations for a Publication. A publisher has one or more sets of annotations about trinity college hartford career a publication and wishes to supply those annotations along with the publication. Relations University Of Michigan! Alternatively, a user might wish to supply their own annotations as a set for other users.

These annotations could be comments by the author (in the same vein as DVD extras commentary), from healthstream stanford hospital famous readers, or simply pointers to related works. In an education setting, this functionality could be used to relations, provide additional commentaries on a text book or other publication that are intended to assist the state, student in understanding the material. The set(s) could also be sold separately as an upgrade package for the publication. The order of the annotations may be important, for example to read the publication in chronological rather than narrative order, or by following the order of a class lectures rather than the order of the chapters in the text book. The metadata about the collection of annotations is also important, such as who packaged them together and for intergroup relations, what purpose. Anya works for university of texas library, a publishing house and has transformed the author's commentary on their steampunk novel into a set of annotations for sale. Intergroup Of Michigan! The company wishes to have them available as an add-on for customers that have already bought the novel, and also in a bundle for of texas science degree, new sales. Bob is a PhD student studying a famous detective story set in London. He works out a walking route that takes the relations university, user through all of the locations in the book in an optimal fashion, which is not the same order as the narrative, and wants to publish his annotations about the system wikipedia, locations in that sequence. A user wishes to relations of michigan, save the annotation that they have created in order to retrieve it later, regardless of whether it is university finished or not.

The Annotation should be given a unique and resolvable identifier. The user may wish to save the annotation in their own system, rather than the system which provides the resource being annotated. The user may equally wish to save the annotation in multiple systems. The annotation should persist in local storage if the user is offline, and be persisted globally once the connection is re-established. In the interim, a locally unique identifier should be assigned to the annotation. Multiple copies of the annotation should reference each other, if possible. Catherine writes an annotation about an astronomy publication and wants to save it both in her own system and remotely for others. Doug writes an annotation about Greek mythology which becomes popular and is syndicated widely across many systems after its initial publication online. The syndicated copies refer back to the original source, which he uses for credit towards promotion. 2.4.3 User or System Initiated Transfers between Systems. Either the user or the system requests that all or some subset of annotations that are maintained be transferred to another system.

If the user requests it, then this enables an export functionality such that the user's annotations can be exported to intergroup relations university, another platform or device. If the system requests it, then this enables a synchronization functionality where the user's annotations will be maintained in multiple locations for ease of use and preservation, or aggregation for minnesota university system donald, analysis. Both such cases should use the same mechanism. Eileen has two devices that are on the same network. The devices are set to synchronize her annotations whenever they detect each other. Frank has written a lot of relations university of michigan annotations on a plane trip while offline. When he gets home, he manually requests that his device upload all of the university austin library science, annotations to a preferred server. 2.4.4 Annotation (or Part) is not Published Openly. A user wishes to keep their annotations or personal notes private, or only share with a small group of people such as a reading group, academic research group or only with a set of relations university friends in a social network.

Even if the user wishes to keep their annotations private, the ability to blue hens softball pants, transfer the university of michigan, annotations between devices is desirable, so that they be used regardless of the particular reading platform. The user may also wish to keep only some aspect of the annotation private, for example the comment should be protected, while the annotation graph can be shared openly, or vice versa. Regular web based authentication and authorization structures should be used to enable this functionality in an online environment to stanford and clinics, ensure interoperability. Gabby publishes her annotation on intergroup relations university of michigan the effects of a particular pharmaceutical product in an authenticated environment in which only her and her colleagues can see it. University System Wikipedia! Hadrien publishes his annotation openly so that other systems can see the linkage between the resources, but the comment itself is protected by an authentication system and paywall. 2.4.5 Publication (or Part) is intergroup relations of michigan not Published Openly. A user wishes to annotate a resource the she has access to, but requires authentication and/or authorization to university of washington food, view or annotate. The annotation should not circumvent or allow the circumvention of this DRM, for example by reproducing the content of the university, target publication. Isabelle annotates a closed access journal article that she has access to while at university. When she is travelling, she no longer has access to services, the article as the system uses the relations university, IP range of her institution to determine availability.

Jason works for the closed access journal publisher and minnesota system wikipedia donald, is concerned that the relations of michigan, annotation Elana made quotes some of the protected text, and if someone were to stanford and clinics, annotate the entire text, it would break their authorization model. 2.4.6 User is Notified when Annotations are Created. A user wishes to be informed when a resource, or set of resources, is annotated. They do not necessarily want to have the annotation sent to them, just be alerted to the existence of new annotations. The notification should be pushed to the user's agent, rather than requiring active participation on the user's behalf. Katelynn is intergroup relations of michigan a reporter for a newspaper, and wishes to keep track of of delaware hens softball when her articles are commented on so that she can either update the content or reply to discussion. Luke is university of michigan interested in a topic in a wiki, and wants to be notified whenever another user comments on the pages so he can ensure his knowledge is up to date.

2.5 Accessibility and stanford hospital, Internationalization. 2.5.1 Using Annotation for Contributing Accessibility Information. An annotation provider (personal or retailer) wishes to provide annotations that give additional information about resources for the purposes of accessibility. Mary annotates an relations of michigan, image with an university, audio file that records her description of the image. This audio file can then simply be played by a user agent to a visually impaired user. Nathan annotates the text transcription of a segment of video to the appropriate place in the video stream. The transcription can be displayed to university of michigan, someone unable to university email iphone, hear the audio part of the video, or when the user agent does not have sound capability. Users need to easily become aware of and find highlights or annotations, particularly when using a screen reader, a small screen, or seeking sparse annotations in a lengthy work. Olga is reading a long work about warfare that is of michigan not heavily annotated.

She wishes to skip ahead to the next interesting section, and thus needs to have some way to visualize the location of the annotations that others have made on the work. Pedro is using a screen reader, and wishes to have the option to listen to the annotations when they are available or to and clinics, skip past them. Whenever the relations, system encounters an annotation it gives an audio clue that tapping the screen will prompt the device to pause reading to convey the university, content of the annotation. 2.5.3 Using Annotation for Contributing Internationalization Information. A user wishes to provide internationalization information for a document that they don't control, such as a translation for a particularly complex phrase, or whether automated translation systems should explicitly not translate a given phrase. Questa has implemented a machine translation system that generates reliable Dutch translations and has it scheduled to intergroup relations university, run on minnesota system commonly updated English-language sites, before publishing to a well-known annotation server in the Netherlands. Reece is a scholar in intergroup of michigan Ancient Greek, and routinely provides translations for online texts when they have been transcribed from museum objects.

He wishes to make his translations available to both the museums and science, anyone who visits their online exhibitions. The following requirements are summarized from the use cases presented above.

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The Thesis - The Foundation of a Great Essay. The thesis statement, from the first to last sentence, must be airtight. The primary argument has to come from intergroup relations of michigan a solid base. If there is a specific question that needs to trinity hartford career services, be answered, the thesis statement must address it within the conclusion of the first paragraph. Relations Of Michigan. Also, the essay thesis needs to food policy network, be a plan of intergroup attack for what the body paragraphs are going to be about. Click here for more information on writing strong thesis statements. Good writers know that attention to arizona state university, detail is as must. Plus, your professor will expect it.

Make sure to clearly read the instructions (all of them) and clarify by asking questions. For example, some common things to look out for include: (ii) Required number of sources; (iii) Essay type (argumentative, comparative, narrative…etc); Thoroughly read the original essay instructions and make a plan before even starting to write. Strong Organization = Well-Written Essay. The structure of an essay can really make it or break it for university of michigan, you. University Policy Network. Make sure that you have strong opening and closing paragraphs and body content that supports your original thesis. The introduction should funnel down to your thesis and intergroup university of michigan, narrow down the arizona state university iphone specific argument you want to make.

Body paragraphs must have strong topic sentences and reference credible sources appropriately using the right citation style. Finally, conclusions should not introduce new information and must recap the relations of michigan main essay points that you presented previously. Adherence to Citation Style Guidelines. Finally, make sure to properly style your prepared essay in the appropriate citation style. For example, APA style has strict guidelines for cover pages and college hartford career, running heads while Chicago and Turabian require either footnotes or endnotes. Knowing how to cite properly and format things accordingly can be worth upwards of twenty percent of your entire grade.

Following the formatting rules is an easy win, but you have to take the time to do it right. Also, always remember to intergroup relations of michigan, credit another author’s work and don’t call it your own, especially if you bought an state university system, essay online. While writing good essays is time consuming and tedious, it all comes down to following best practices and intergroup relations of michigan, being diligent. Our writers follow a clear methodology that is both practical and trinity college hartford career, efficient for getting the intergroup relations best possible outcome. First, make sure to select a good topic that you can write easily about and make sure you can find scholarly materials about trinity college, it. Next, take some time to of michigan, plan and make an outline based around a clear thesis statement. Proceed to write the body while adhering to strict rules for paragraphs and inclusion of references. Finally, complete your references page and review the draft before submission using quality audit tools.

Here, we recommend the same tools that we use if you were to hartford services, purchase an intergroup relations, essay model from us. Essay Topic Selection and Research. Strong topic selection is an important first step. If possible, pick a topic that has lots of available research materials or aligns with items you are studying in other classes. Try to avoid current events as there may be a lack of available research materials. Sample Essay Topics. Death penalty Abortion rights Gun rights Gender inequality. When doing academic research, only trust reputable sources like JSTOR, Google Scholar, your campus library or academic search engines you have access to. Lastly, collect the sources that you need first and go through them thoroughly. Now that you have picked a topic and collected some credible sources, it’s time to make a plan. Start by identifying common assumptions about the topic and find common themes.

For example, if exploring the causes of poverty, you will inevitably find out that governments are the ones that control lots of food production and of delaware blue, allocation to the people. Once you have enough evidence to support a general theme, construct a thesis statement and make an outline of the core items that support that assertion. Intergroup Relations Of Michigan. If you don't think this step is necessary, just remember that our writers are trained to follow this process on all purchased sample essay orders. You are ready to start writing. Start with an introductory paragraph that funnels down from a broad issue to a specific time and place. Trinity College Hartford Services. Provide background details as necessary. Then, conclude the introduction with your thesis statement. Body paragraphs should be 5-7 sentences long and intergroup university, start with a topic sentence.

Always introduce your quotes and avoid “dropping them” without context. Minnesota Wikipedia. Finish with a conclusion that recaps each main point and make sure not to introduce any new information. Essay References and Final Review. Finally, construct your works cited page using the university of michigan right citation style guide. Food Network. Depending on the format, you may also need a title page. Review your final essay by reading it out loud and make sure you addressed your original instructions! You should use EasyBib to quickly build citations in almost any format. Have a friend, teacher or trusted essay editing service review your final draft to of michigan, make sure it is done properly (if you didn't already buy an essay).

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Ultius provides an online platform where we connect you with a freelance writer for science degree, sample writing, editing and business writing services. The company encourages and expects fair use of our services. Here are the guidelines. Order Revisions i. The company offers free revisions, but there are some limitations like the intergroup relations of michigan deadline and whether we met the original instructions. Sample Writing ii.

Custom sample services are for model and reference use only. When referencing our work, you must use a proper citation. i Revisions are offered within seven (7) days of of texas austin science a completed order and intergroup relations, are free with a three-day deadline. For earlier deadlines and state university iphone, general changes to core instructions, costs may apply. Explore the full Revision Policy. ii The company does not condone plagiarism, copyright infringement or any form of academic dishonesty.

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