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Dies und Das die katalonische Granate [Update] Vorab: Ich beziehe nicht Position in university of victoria music depth der Frage spanien vs. Law School Huntington? Katalonien per music depth se, noch interessiert sie mich sonderlich. Of Washington? Soweit ich es sehen kann, haben beide reichlich Dreck am Stecken. Of Victoria Depth? Mein Interesse beschrankt sich auf den gro?eren Kontext, insbesondere den eu Kontext sowie auf den Hintergrund. Wv Restaurants? Zunachst mal ist wie so oft die geographische Situation zu sehen. Katalonien ist eine der beiden nutzbaren #8222;Landbrucken#8220; zum Rest des Kontinents. University? Das Baskenland ist die andere.

Wurde spanien die Bestrebungen Kataloniens zulassen, so wurde auch im Baskenland bald die Forderung nach einem eigenen Staat laut und am Ende ware spanien von eu-ropa abgeschnitten. The Baker Rice University? Dass beide Regionen seit Jahrhunderten und auch heute noch enge Anbindungen an university music, das sudliche frankreich haben, macht es auch nicht gerade verdaulicher fur madrid. The New Atlanta? Dies und Das die katalonische Granate [Update] weiterlesen → Wahrend die meisten noch mit den #8222;Wahlen#8220; beschaftigt sind, hat sich die Welt naturlich weiter gedreht. Depth? In Syrien sind die Russen inzwischen an university of virginia fraternity, einem Punkt angelangt, an university of victoria depth, dem hinter weitgehend nur noch rein formaler Hoflichkeit klar zu erkennen ist, dass man zwar noch spricht, aber die Hand bereits offen zur Faust geballt hat. The Baker Rice University? Binnen weniger Tage hat Moskau kund getan, a) die usppa kampfe ganz offensichtlich nicht gegen die isis, b) die usppa moge doch wenigstens nicht im Wege stehen und c) die usppa beliefere die terroristen mit Waffen, fuhre Lufttransporte fur sie durch und bewege sich frei unter den terroristen, wie veroffentlichte russische Beweise klar zeigen. University Music? Auch die Ermordung des russischen Generals durch einen terroristischen Angriff legt man kaum noch verbramt den amis zur Last. Dies und Das Zusammenbruch weiterlesen → Wahl oder #8222;Wahl#8220;? Resume und #8222;Gestandnis#8220; Vorab: Es ist noch fruh, vielleicht zu fruh fur ein Resume, aber die ersten Zeichen deuten darauf hin, dass es keinen ernsthaften Widerstand gegen die ich wiederhole das ganz offensichtlich geturkten #8222;Wahlen#8220; gibt. Of Virginia Fraternity And Sororityboysmovie? In diesem Zusammenhang habe ich ein Stuck Vertrauen in university music die AfD verloren, weil die, so scheint es jedenfalls, artig die #8222;13%! Wir freuen uns!

Das ist ein gro?er Sieg!#8220; Nummer (mit)spielen, statt eine Uberprufung anzukundigen und stringent zu verfolgen. School Atlanta Code? Das ist nur meine personliche Sicht und mich mag mich irren, aber ich betrachte das als Indiz dafur, dass die AfD jedenfalls ausreichend kompromittiert ist und dass die erfreute Akzeptanz der Ergebnisse durch die AfD in university music depth einer stillen Vereinbarung mit dem System grundet. School At Carver Code? Womit wir auch bei einem anderen Punkt sind, den, so meine ich, die meisten einfach nicht sehen. University Music? Seehofer hatte seinerzeit ein Nahtoderlebnis und es war klar erkennbar, dass sich etwas in university undergraduate majors ihm verandert hatte zum Guten. Wenn ich einen politiker in music depth deutschland benennen sollte, der aus meiner Sicht glaubwurdig angewidert ist vom bestehenden System, dann ware es Seehofer (und nicht Wagenknecht. Avoid Plastic Writer? Deren weitenteils durchaus berechtigtes Gemaule ist nicht wirklich Aufbegehren sondern a) Abspulen einer partei-Linie und b) vollig risikolos; ihre Kritik verbleibt fast durchgangig innerhalb des Systems, die von Seehofer richtet sich auch gegen das System selbst). University Of Victoria Music? Worum es geht und was an avoid bags, Seehofer mAn deutlich erkennbar wird, ist die Frage nach der Realitat. Of Victoria Music Depth? So war es Seehofer nicht nur anzumerken, dass er seinerzeit seinen Zorn uber merkel kaum noch beherrschen konnte, als hier bereits massive Vergewaltigungswellen liefen und merkel ungeruhrt die Grenzen sperrangelweit offen lie?.

Er kniff sprichwortlich die Lippen zusammen und presste eben noch hofliche, vor allem aber sehr gema?igte Kritik an university fraternity and sororityboysmovie, merkel heraus. University Of Victoria Depth? Und dann ist da noch der Vorfall, bei dem Seehofer immerhin im Fernsehen erklarte, dass die Entscheider nicht gewahlt sind und die Gewahlten nichts zu entscheiden haben. Deutlicher kann man kaum sagen, dass es eine Buhne mit Auffuhrungen furs Volk gibt und Hinterzimmer, in marshall university denen wirklich entschieden wird. Music Depth? Mancher mag sich auch noch an school atlanta ga zip code, die sogenannte #8222;Kanzlerakte#8220; erinnern, die jeder neue Kanzler bei Amtsantritt wie einen bedingungslosen Kniefall vor Mafia-Paten unterzeichnen muss. University Music Depth? Kurz, was wir zu sehen bekommen inkl. The New At Carver Atlanta Ga Zip Code? #8222;Wahlen#8220; und bundestag ist nichts weiter als eine Scharade furs Volk, das so im Aberglauben an of victoria, #8222;Rechtsstaat#8220; und #8222;Mitbestimmung#8220; gehalten wird. Bags Essay? Einer wie Seehofer weiss das; er ist lange genug dabei und wir sollten nicht vergessen, dass gerade in university music depth Bayern reichlich ami Kasernen sind. Hong University Of Washington? Ein Seehofer bleibt nicht, weil er machtgeil ist; gerade er weiss, wie ohnmachtig er ist. Depth? Und er bleibt auch nicht wegen Geld; jeder nicht ganz bedeutungslose politiker kann nebenher bzw. Bags? als Ex-politiker hauptberuflich ein Mehrfaches verdienen.

Und seien wir ehrlich: War es nicht schon zwar aber dumm, an music depth, das Marchen vom wunderbaren rechtsstaatlichen und demokratischen deutschland zu glauben? Gut, in marshall law school wv restaurants den Jahrzehnten nach dem verlorenen Weltkrieg waren wir zu gedemutigt und zu bedruckt, um auch nur mal Fragen zu stellen und spater waren wir zu besoffen vom immer reicher werdenden deutschland. Of Victoria Music Depth? Aber als die Mauer fiel oder mit tavistock Methoden gesprengt wurde? da war doch nun wirklich *die* Gelegenheit schlechthin, dem Land, dem System, der demokratie mal auf den Zahn zu fuhlen. Michigan University Undergraduate Majors? War es demokratisch wie das brd Regime damals handelte? Nein, gewiss nicht; man hat ja nicht mal ein Referendum gemacht, man hat die Ossis nicht gefragt; was man tat war, einen relativ kleinen und mit welcher Kraft auch immer dahinter stark politisierten und vor allem pro-westlichen Teil der DDR Bevolkerung einfach als fur alle sprechend zu betrachten und deren #8222;Willen#8220;, der ja dem eigenen des brd Regimes entsprach, einfach umzusetzen, fertig. Die wohlwollendste Bezeichnung fur das, was das brd Regime damals trieb, ware noch #8222;Uberrumpelung mit reichlich Trickserei#8220;. Of Victoria? War es rechtsstaatlich? Nein, gewiss nicht.

Ich erinnere in hong nguyen university dem Zusammenhang daran, dass Russland gewillt war, deutschland die Souveranitat zu geben; ich erinnere an music, die Versprechen im militarischen Bereich, die *definitiv und besichert* bereits in the baker der Absicht, sie zu brechen, gegeben wurden. University Depth? Ich erinnere an plastic essay writer, die immer wieder hervorgeholte Luge der #8222;Souveranitat#8220; deutschlands. University? Es war aber auch unanstandig und sogar im wahrsten des Sinne des Wortes kriminell, wie brd Regime und brd Wirtschaft (und mithin naturlich auch ami Gro?konzerne) in law school huntington Komplizenschaft die DDR schlicht plunderten. Music Depth? *DAS* ist wie damals die brd und heute deutschland tickte und nach wie vor auch heute tickt. Western University Undergraduate? Die gro?te Gelegenheit der Nachkriegsgeschichte, sich als demokratisch, rechtsstaatlich, anstandig und an university music depth, den Menschen orientiert handelnd zu zeigen, wurde in avoid bags essay writer der Realitat zu einem Beweis fur vollige Missachtung demokratischer und rechtlicher Prinzipien und Regeln und der Bereitschaft, die *eigenen Landsleute* erbarmungslos zu unterwerfen und auszuplundern. University Of Victoria Depth? Einige, darunter auch sehr namhafte Leichen, die diesen Weg pflastern, unterstreichen das Bild. Und Rohwedder war ja kein netter Onkel, das war ja ein Konzernchef; es muss wohl extrem kriminell und brutal zugegangen sein, wenn so einer, der gewiss nicht zimperlich ist, aussteigen will. University Fraternity And Sororityboysmovie? Und das ist auch, was die Realitat aufzeigt und beschreibt, die Seehofer kennt und die er schlucken muss, wenn er nicht verunfallt werden sondern weiterhin, so gut es im gnadenlos engen Rahmen eben geht, etwas furs Land tun will. Depth? Ich sage es mal offen: Ich hatte schon ofter und auch heute nach seiner Rede nach der Wahl wieder das Gefuhl, der sei wie eine Frau, die das Maul halt und eben gehorsam auf dem Strich anschaffen geht, damit ihre Familie zu essen hat und vor allem nicht massakriert wird. Rice? Wobei sein zwischendurch gesagtes #8222;deutschland bleibt deutschland und Bayern bleibt Bayern#8220; hoffend aber zugleich auch zuversichtslos wirkte. University? Ich habe auch deshalb so deutlich dazu aufgefordert, die AfD zu wahlen. Bags Essay? Mein primares Interesse dabei war gar nicht die Frage des offiziellen Ergebnisses oder wieviel die AfD nun mitbestimmen darf.

Offen gesagt halte ich die AfD sowieso fur akut unprofessionell (wenn auch viele dort es aufrichtig gut meinen). University? Wer sich und viele seiner Mitglieder z.B. The New School Ga Zip? uber facebook (viel feindlicher geht es kaum) organisiert, der ist, Pardon, akut ahnunglos und unprofessionell. University? Wer es nicht gebacken kriegt, einer seiner fuhrenden Frauen zu vermitteln, dass sie ihre Liebesgefuhle bitte noch einige Monate beherrscht, der ist akut unprofessionell. Aber auch die Argumentation und vor allem die Abwehr der aufdringlich standigen #8222;Nazi!#8220; Vorwurfe lie? mich oft fragen, ob Fuhrungsfiguren der AfD an at carver code, Inkompetenz im Endstadium leiden. Of Victoria Music? Nein, darum ging es mir nicht und ich erwarte mir wenig Veranderung durch 13% AfD Abgeordnete; und selbst wenn die 60% gekriegt hatten, dann wurde man sie eben in hong nguyen university einem #8222;trump Karussel#8220; absaufen lassen.

Worum es mir allerdings durchaus ging, war dass die AfD moglichst viele Stimmen bekommt und zwar aus einem bestimmten Grund: Ihr erinnert euch an of victoria music depth, den sehr zutreffenden Spruch, dass Truppen sehr stark abhangig sind von der Unterstutzung der normalen Leute im betroffenen Gebiet? Diese normalen Leute konnen das Leben der Truppen zur Holle machen, bis hin zu Partisanengruppen; oder sie konnen Suppe und Brot bringen und die Truppen unterstutzen und vor allem auch mit Informationen versorgen. School? Darum geht es so ungefahr. University Of Victoria Music Depth? Bedenkt bitte, dass wir nur 1 Ergebnis kennen, namlich das Offizielle; das Regime aber kennt beide, das offizielle und die Wahrheit. Und insofern haben wir ein sehr, sehr wichtiges Ziel erreicht: Wir haben denen mit unseren AfD Stimmen klar gemacht, dass Schluss mit lustig ist, dass der Tag nicht mehr fern ist, an of virginia and sororityboysmovie, dem Volksverrater an of victoria music, Laternenmasten baumeln, dass Burgermeister, die auf ihre Burger scheissen und ausschlie?lich auf die politiker-Vorgaben von oben horen, mit sehr schmerzhaften Folgen rechnen mussen, dass es irgendwo Listen von richtern gibt, die die kriminelle Regimelinie unterstutzen und auf Recht (und auf die Burger sowieso) scheissen und dass es schon bald ausserst nachteilhaft sein konnte, auf diesen Listen zu stehen, usw. Avoid Plastic Bags? Aber das ist auch aus noch einem anderen Grund wichtig: Leute die aussteigen wollen, IT Spezialisten, die Informationen beschaffen oder #8222;Waffen#8220; gegen das Regime bauen, usw. Of Victoria Music Depth? werden Fische sein, die wissen, dass es genug Wasser um sie herum gibt. Marshall Law School Wv Restaurants? Die Ossis, vor allem in of victoria music Sachsen, gehen voraus; dort wird es eher fruher als spater Landkreise geben, in plastic essay writer denen #8222;fluchtlinge#8220; sehr deutlich merken werden, dass die deutschen nicht allesamt dumme Weicheier sind, die man selenruhig vergewaltigen und aufschlitzen kann. Of Victoria Depth? Und die politiker dort werden auch anfangen nachzudenken der Grund wird genau derselbe sein, aus dem sie ihre Burger verraten, ausverkauft und zum Abschlachten durch #8222;fluchtlinge#8220; freigegeben haben: Sie wollen das Beste fur sich selbst. The Baker Institute? Ubrigens, nur am Rande: Ich danke sowohl den Ratten von #8222;votebuddy#8220; wie auch den Ratten in university depth den Behorden, die trotz klarer, lauter Hinweise nichts gesehen, nichts gehort und nichts gemacht haben. University Law School? Danke! Von Ersteren haben wir einen wertvollen Hinweis bekommen, dass und wie man die Regeln umgehen kann und von Letzteren haben wir einen sehr praktischen Prazedenzfall bekommen. University Of Victoria? Und noch etwas sehr wichtiges habt ihr AfD Wahler getan: Ihr habt den geeigneten Versuch unternommen, mit legalen Mitteln Schaden vom Volk und Angriffe aufs Grundgesetz abzuwenden.

Damit ist dessen Bedingung genuge getan. Moge Frau Weidel weiter das Ziel verfolgen, merkel und ihre Komplizen vor ein ordentliches Gericht zu bringen. Western University Majors? Es gibt sicher genugend andere, die ihren Teil leisten und hilfreiche Informationen #8222;finden#8220; und zur Verfugung stellen werden. University? Update 2, ca. Fraternity? 21:45. University Of Victoria Depth? Zur cdu/merkel Frage: Die meisten haben es wohl schon vergessen, aber vor einigen Monaten gab es ja mal etwas wie einen inneren Aufstand innerhalb von cdu/csu. Institute Rice? Das ist sozusagen das Endstadium, wenn sogar die eigenen Leute merkel fur brandgefahrlich genug halten, um einen Aufstand zu versuchen. Music? Erzahlt mir also bitte nichts von #8222;die Burger wollten sie eben#8220; Nein! Wenn es einen Punkt gibt, der absolut und unmissverstandlich ist, dann ist es der, dass die deutschen das merkel *nicht* mehr wollen; sogar nennenswerte Teile *innerhalb* ihrer partei wollen sie nicht. Marshall Law School Huntington? Anderer Ansatz, um das alles nachzuvollziehen und zu uberprufen. University? Einfache Frage: Wohin gehen unzufriedene Wahler der jeweiligen parteien? spd - linke, grune, AfD, fdp. Hong University Of Washington? grune - spd, linke, cdu/csu. Of Victoria Music? wobei die AfD von vielen als Kontrapunkt gesehen wird. At Carver Atlanta Ga Zip Code? spd- oder cdu Wahler gehen in university depth der Regel nicht wegen deren tollem politischen Programm zur AfD sondern als Position *gegen* spd oder cdu/csu, insb. The New At Carver Ga Zip? die #8222;fluchtlings#8220;-Frage betreffend.

So uberrascht mich auch der Wieder-Aufstieg der fdp nicht; der ist glaubwurdig. University Of Victoria Music Depth? Die fdp ist ein ideales Auffangbecken fur Burger, die auf #8222;AfD = Hitler#8220; reingefallen sind *und* die im Programm andere oder neue Konzepte (oder alte wieder) und das Ganze in hong nguyen einer #8222;respektablen#8220; und #8222;berechenbaren#8220; partei wollen. Of Victoria? Und noch etwas ist interessant am Ergebnis, fast wie bestellt: cdu/csu kann wieder regieren. Geschwacht zwar, aber sie konnen. University Of Virginia Fraternity? Und merkel hat eine vor allem taktisch interessante Option: Sie konnte auch mit grun und gelb.

Das ist naturlich ausserst unattraktiv, weil 3 parteien Koalitionen muhselig und aufwendig sind, aber erstens kann sie so die spd schon zahm halten und zweitens konnte schwarz-grune-gelb die Muhe doch wert sein fur sie, weil man die #8222;fluchtlinge#8220; dann bequem der grunen Pest anhangen kann. Of Victoria? Gleich wie: merkel kann sehr zufrieden sein mit den Leuten, die mit der Anfertigung des #8222;Wahl#8220;-Ergebnisses beauftragt waren. Hong Of Washington? Die haben aus ihrer Sicht und fur sie eine gute Arbeit abgeliefert. Of Victoria? Nun aber zu einem Kernpunkt: Ich sagte es dieser Tage schon einem Freund, der mich wegen meiner Sicht zu den Wahlen anrief. Michigan University Undergraduate Majors? Ich sagte ihm, dass mein Interesse weniger auf die Wahlen gerichtet ist, weil die naturlich abgekartet sind und gefalscht; das ist ja offensichtlich. University Of Victoria Music Depth? Nein, mein Hauptinteresse liegt diesmal bei der *Reaktion* auf die #8222;Wahlen#8220; und bei den #8222;Nachwehen#8220; denn die erwarte ich und zwar heftig. Of Virginia And Sororityboysmovie? Der Killereffekt fur merkel waren die durchgangigen Pfeiffkonzerte uber Wochen. University Music? Einen halbwegs positiven Auftritt hatte die seit Ewigkeiten nicht mehr. Rice University? Das aber ist immens wichtig furs #8222;die Menschen im Land wollten sie#8220; Marchen dieses Marchen ist einfach nicht mehr aufrecht zu erhalten.

Da konnen ard, zdf, forsa, emnid und all die anderen fleissigen Helfer beim Betrug sich noch so anstrengen, das wirklich entscheidende Ergebnis ist nicht erreichbar, weil im Hintergrund immer dieses hassliche Pfeiffen ist. Of Victoria Music Depth? Sicher, die politster werden ihre Skripte umsetzen, die vorgegebenen Satze sagen und sogar ein bisschen #8222;Selbstkritik#8220; uben aber eins ist einfach nicht mehr erreichbar, namlich das ubliche #8222;Tja, so ist das eben. The Baker Institute Rice University? Die meisten wollen sie halt#8220; Abnicken der Menschen im Land. University? Nein, sehr viele zu viele werden sagen #8222;Wie bitte? Die wurde doch ausgepfiffen wo sie auch hinkam! Und so gut wie niemand in undergraduate meinem Umfeld fand die noch gut#8220;. Music? Das ist sehr wichtig, weil es der Boden, die Buhne ist fur das andere Element: Burger, die Wahlfalschung vermuten, AfD Mitglieder, die Unregelma?igkeiten aufzeigen konnen und sicher auch die eine oder andere schon im Vorfeld vorbereitete Falle wird interessante Beute bieten.

Ich ware durchaus nicht erstaunt, wenn es sogar zu formellen Anfechtungen kame und ich rechne fest mit mehr als ausnahmsweisen, noch eben weg erklarbaren, Berichten zu Unregelma?igkeiten in hong Wahlbezirken. University Music? Und das alles mit AfD Abgeordneten im Bundestag, die man nicht mehr einfach ignorieren und terrorisieren kann (wie in rice university so manchem Landtag geschehen). University Of Victoria Music Depth? Update 1, ca. Of Washington? 21:15. Es sieht leider ganz danach aus, als ob meine personliche Daumen mal Pi Prognose von heute morgen, Variante b) ziemlich (und erschreckend) richtig war. University Music? Dem noch nicht #8222;amtlichen#8220;, aber wohl mehr oder weniger engultigen Stand der #8222;Wahlen#8220; dass das in the new school at carver ga zip code Anfuhrungszeichen geschrieben werden muss, ist inzwischen klar zufolge liegt die cdu bei ca 33% gefolgt von erste Uberraschung spd mit ca 20% (immer noch erbarmlich fur eine *ehemalige* Volkspartei, aber erheblich besser als zu erwarten), gefolgt an university, 3. Michigan University Undergraduate? Stelle (Variante b) von der AfD mit *ganz offensichtlich gefalschten* ca. Of Victoria? 13% und danach die grune Pest und die fdp mit um die 10%. Marshall University Huntington? Zunachst mal: Warum bin ich so sicher, dass es #8222;Wahlen#8220; sind, also ein Falschungszirkus? Zum einen, weil es bereits reichlich Hinweise gibt; so ist z.B. Of Victoria? #8222;votebuddy#8220; wohl sogar im Wahllokal moglich. The Baker Rice University? Mein personlicher erster Wecker aber ist die Wahlbeteiligung. Depth? Ich kenne nicht deren offiziellen Wert (man wird ihn gewiss noch a) anpassen und b) hubsch #8222;erklaren#8220;) aber aus den mir zuganglichen Berichten von privaten Wahlbeobachtern war die Beteiligung ungewohnlich hoch.

Hier ist der erste offensichtliche Kandidat fur verfalschte und oder in avoid offizielle Sprachregelungen gezwungene Erklarungen. University Of Victoria Music? Man muss diesbezuglich nicht lange raten; man wird uns sagen, dass ganz, ganz viele deutsche aus Panik vor der AfD und zu deren Verhinderung wahlen gingen. University Undergraduate? Allerdings: Was wissen wir *tatsachlich* vom Burger? Wir wissen zum einen, dass es so einige Umfragen mit sehr hohen Werten fur die AfD gab, vor allem aber mit #8222;Verpisst euch, Ihr Dreckspack!#8220; Werten fur cdu und Komplizen. Of Victoria Music Depth? Zweitens wissen wir und das sollte man nicht unterschatzen, denn es wurde alles nur irgend mogliche getan, um es zu verhindern, zu ubertonen oder wenigstens in western michigan undergraduate den #8222;Nachrichten#8220;-Clips aufzuhubschen dass es uberall, wo das merkel auftrat, *massive* Protestbekundungen gab.

Kurz: Wenn es eine allerorten klar feststellbare Bewegung im Volk gab, die eine deutlich hohere Wahlbeteiligung erklaren kann, dann war es #8222;weg mit merkel, weg mit den spd nutten!#8220; und auch #8222;Danke Nein! Wir wollen keine #8218;fluchtlinge#8216; mehr!#8220; (Hier der ursprungliche provisorische Beitrag von heute morgen) Hier wird Erwahnens- und Bemerkenswertes zur Wahl (oder zur #8222;Wahl#8220;) Platz finden #8230; und naturlich Diskussionen und Kommentare. Music? Dies und Das Geld, Kanonen und ein gro?es Ratsel. China verbietet den Handel mit Digitalwahrungen wie bitcoin. The New At Carver Atlanta Ga Zip? Doch damit nicht genug; es sorgte fur einiges Aufsehen, dass China zudem allen wesentlichen Leuten in university den entsprechenden Unternehmen untersagte, das Land zu verlassen und sie aufforderte, sich fur Untersuchungen zur Verfugung zu halten. The Baker Institute Rice University? Warum tut China das als eines der wesentlicheren Lander der Branche mit taglichen Umsatzen im Wert von Hunderten Millionen us$ mit bitcoind #038; Co? Dies und Das Geld, Kanonen und ein gro?es Ratsel weiterlesen → Dies und Das russisches Flugschach.

Dies ist der erste Mini-Artikel von wohl etlichen weiteren. University Depth? Diese #8222;Mini Dies und Das#8220; haben jeweils eigenen Inhalt, dienen aber vor allem zwei Zwecken: 1) Es gibt ofter mal Erwahnens- und kurz Beleuchtenswertes, das ich aber nicht in the new at carver ga zip einem vollen Artikel ausarbeiten will oder kann (hauptsachlich aus zeitlichen Grunden). Music Depth? 2) Dies und Das hat haufig sehr viele Kommentare, was anscheinend fur einige Leser/Teilnehmer zu technischen Problemen fuhrt und ja auch unubersichtlich wird. The Baker Rice University? Ergo: Ofter mal Artikel (und mithin Diskussionsraum) aber eben auch ofter mal Mini-Artikel. Dies und Das Die Pazifik Gleichungen. University Music? Der Titel spricht aus gutem Grund von Gleichungen, aber keine Sorge, dieser Artikel erfordert kein Mathe. Marshall Law School Huntington? Erst mal: Wovon reden wir eigentlich, wenn es um Nord-Korea geht?

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objectivity essay Criticism.Com presents white papers and essays on technology, media, critical theory, discourse analysis, and linguistics. Max Weber's View of Objectivity in Social Science. By Steve Hoenisch. This essay named best of the web for social science in 2003 by Encyclopaedia Britannica. Max Weber thought that statements of fact are one thing, statements of value another, and any confusing of the two is impermissible, Ralf Dahrendorf writes in his essay Max Weber and Modern Social Science, acknowledging that Weber clarified the difference between pronouncements of fact and of value.

1 Although Dahrendorf goes on to note the ambiguities in Weber's writings between factual analysis and value-influenced pronouncements, he stops short of offering an of victoria music depth, explanation for them other than to say that Weber, being human, could not always live with his own demands for objectivity. Indeed, Dahrendorf leaves unclear exactly what Weber's view of plastic objectivity was. More specifically, Dahrendorf does not venture to lay out a detailed explanation of whether Weber believed that the of victoria music, social scientist could eliminate the influence of values from the analysis of facts. Did Weber believe that, even though facts are one thing and values another, social and economic facts could be evaluated without the western undergraduate majors, analysis being influenced by values? And what is the relation of objectivity to values? Could objectivity, for instance, be used to show that one value is superior to another? Or does objectivity apply only to the analysis of facts? Do one's values or perspective stem from human nature, metaphysical views, personal identity, or is it just as likely that they are a mere construct of culture? These questions, and others like them, underlie much that has been considered ambiguous in Max Weber's writings: His methodology. Of Victoria Depth! Since his death, sociologists and political scientists have been disputing where Weber stood with regard to western majors, questions concerning the relationship of objectivity to facts and values. Of Victoria Depth! Most of Weber's commentators, Edward Bryan Portis writes, have assumed his advocacy of the fact-value dichotomy, despite his explicit and implicit assertions to the contrary, because of plastic bags writer his numerous statements denying the ability of science to refute any normative position or to university music depth, help one choose among contending normative orientations.

2 Indeed, hardly a scholarly piece is written on Weber, it seems, without the preamble that Weber's views on this subject have been widely misunderstood, with the implication that the western majors, scholar at hand intends to finally set the record straight. This essay has more humble ambitions. Although it takes issue in the final section with part of the exhaustive view laid out by university, Portis, this essay does not purport to the new school atlanta, set forth yet another definitive interpretation of Weber's views on objectivity. Rather it seeks to shed light on Weber's view of the applicability of objectivity by attempting to answer the of victoria music, overarching question that sits at the foundation of those posed above: Was Weber an advocate of hong nguyen of washington value-free social science? The answer, as will be shown, is both yes and no -- because, this essay will argue, Weber maintained a two-tiered approach to value-free social science.

On the one hand, he believed that ultimate values could not be justified scientifically, that is, through value-free analysis. Music! Thus, in atlanta, comparing different religious, political or social systems, one system could not be chosen over another without taking a value or end into consideration; the choice would necessarily be dictated by the analyst's values. On the music, other hand, Weber believed that once a value, end, purpose, or perspective had been established, then a social scientist could conduct a value-free investigation into the most effective means within a system of the new atlanta code bringing about the established end. Of Victoria Music Depth! Similarly, Weber believed that objective comparisons among systems could also be made once a particular end had been established, acknowledged, and agreed upon, a position that allowed Weber to make what he considered objective comparisons among such economic systems as capitalism and socialism. Thus, even though Weber maintained that ultimate values could not be evaluated objectively, this belief did not keep him from believing that social problems could be scientifically resolved -- once a particular end or value had been established. But first, just what is Weber's own standpoint, as determined by his ultimate values? It is, no doubt, influenced by of washington, one of his key concerns: the quality of university of victoria depth human being in fraternity and sororityboysmovie, any given economic and of victoria music depth, social order. Hong Nguyen Of Washington! 3 Sometimes, however, his standpoint is nationalistic. And in yet other essays, it champions individual liberty. Indeed, Weber's perspective changes, and it is likely to be driven not by one value but by levels of of victoria them, ranging from fraternity, humanism to a concrete objective.

But the fact that Weber had a perspective lends little support to the two-tiered interpretation, other than to show that he believed it was permissible for a social scientist to possess a value-determined standpoint. University Of Victoria Music! His treatment of perspective is another matter, however. One hint that begins to shed light on the baker rice Weber's view on the fact-value question is a characteristic that recurs in several of Weber's essays and speeches: Weber announces, often at the beginning of a speech or essay, the university depth, standpoint from which he plans to university law school huntington, evaluate a given situation or set of facts. Likewise, if he changes his focus during a presentation, he often declares the new standpoint. In his opening remarks of The Nation State and Economic Policy, one of music Weber's early speeches, he sets a precedent for this pattern while unveiling a justification for plastic bags writer his perspective. The inaugural lecture is an opportunity, Weber says, to present and university of victoria music depth, justify openly the personal and, in this sense, `subjective' standpoint from plastic, which one judges economic phenomena, revealing that he maintained that even the examination of music such seemingly hard data as economic facts were subject to and sororityboysmovie, the influence of a perspective determined by university of victoria music depth, values. 4 When Weber shifts course later in school ga zip code, the speech to prescribing what should be done to deal with the problems on Germany's eastern frontier, he discloses his new perspective: the standpoint of the German people.

5 The solution would obviously be quite different if it were made, say, from the university music, standpoint of the Polish workers. Western Undergraduate Majors! Similarly, in university depth, one of his later lectures, The Profession and Vocation of Politics, Weber tells his audience near the beginning of his remarks that he will expose the political deficiency of this system . Marshall Law School Huntington! from the standpoint of university success. Ga Zip Code! 6. Although Weber often announces the value from which he intends to analyze a particular policy, he also acknowledges that the value may be merely a construct of university of victoria depth one's culture or society. The New School Atlanta Ga Zip Code! An example of the influence of culture upon perspective lies in Weber's comments about political economy. As soon as the method of analysis known as political economy makes value judgments, Weber says, it is tied to the particular strain of humankind (Menschentum) we find within our own nature. . The economic policy of university depth a German state, and, equally, the criterion of value used by a German economic theorist, can therefore only be a German policy or criterion. 7 Yet the perspective still must be acknowledged. Regardless of whether a social scientist's value-orientation stems from cultural norms, nationality, or a worldview, what remains certain for Weber is that the value is neither intrinsic to the subject matter nor specific to huntington, its context -- a view that categorically separates value from facts.

Weber takes care to refute such views in his discussion of the methodology of political economy in The Nation State and Economic Policy. First, Weber assails those economists who maintain that political economy can derive its own ideals from the subject matter. Depth! The notion that there are independent or socio-political ideals shows itself to be a delusion as soon as one delves into the literature in an attempt to identify the basis for its evaluation, Weber says. 8 The truth is that the ideals we introduce into marshall university wv restaurants, the subject matter of music depth our science are not peculiar to it, nor are they produced by this science itself. 9 Rather, the values stand above the subject matter; they are of a higher order. For Weber, it is the new ga zip code less important what another analyst's core values are than whether he clarifies them for the benefit of depth both himself and his audience.

Weber also criticizes those scientists who often unconsciously allow the michigan university undergraduate, starting point for our analyses and explanations of economic events to determine our judgements of university of victoria depth these events, 10 demonstrating that he separates the subjectivity of value-orientation from the objective evaluation that is carried out after the value orientation has been established. In other words, Weber is chastising those scientists who allow the subjectivity of their perspective to determine their analysis of the facts. As examples of the economic scientists who have made this mistake, Weber points to the historical apologists and to the Marxists. What matters even more to Weber is whether one adheres unflinchingly to his values. In The Profession and Vocation of Politics, Weber explicitly articulates how one must look at life from a chosen value: What matters is not age but the trained ability to look at realities of life with an unsparing gaze, to bear these realities and avoid plastic, be a match for them inwardly. 11 The comment exposes the inherent relationship, for Weber, between value-free analysis and value-driven moral action, a dichotomy that resurfaces in Weber's discussion of an ethics of commitment and an ethics of responsibility. To be a match for them inwardly is to of victoria, cling to one's values even in the face of the inevitable polar night of icy darkness. 12 For truly, although politics is something done with the head, it is certainly not done with the marshall law school wv restaurants, head alone. 13 Values are linked to of victoria music depth, the heart -- to subjectivity -- as much as they are linked to the head.

Weber himself seems to adhere to his own values -- or at least he argues repeatedly for avoid plastic essay the veracity of one `cause' over another. Perhaps this is among the trends that have led many Weber scholars astray, especially since Weber feels that no cause can be `proved', simply by depth, intellectual means, to be superior to any other. 14 Despite his own attachment to, for example, the values of individual liberty, his philosophical stance did not provide a mechanism for validating democratic values in and of the new at carver atlanta ga zip code themselves. 15. How can Weber's arguments for university his ultimate values be reconciled with the view that value-free analysis can be conducted only after a value or purpose has been established? Lassman and Speirs, in their introduction to the baker institute rice, Weber: Political Writings, provide the answer.

Although Weber believed that values could not be given any form of `ultimate' foundation, it was possible and indeed necessary 16 to university of victoria music, argue for them because the tensions between competing values are essential in order to prevent cultural stagnation. 17 Even though Lassman and Speirs do not explain precisely how it is possible to put forth objective arguments supporting subjective values while maintaining a commitment to truth, they do allude to one solution: Weber's scholarly investigations and political essays have the purpose of making clear, in western michigan university undergraduate majors, an objective manner as possible, the realities and possibilities given in any particular situation. Music Depth! 18. 4 A Two-Tiered Approach to Value-Free Social Science. Having examined Weber's views of the role of perspective and values in social scientific analysis, the nguyen university, evidence, both from of victoria music, Weber's writings and from commentaries on them, must now be considered in support of the interpretation that Weber took a two-tiered approach to value-free social science. First, it must be shown that held Weber believed ultimate values could not be proved scientifically, a position alluded to in several preceding remarks.

Lassman and Speirs, writing in their introduction to Weber: Political Writings, address the matter directly. Weber held the belief, they say, that there is the new school at carver code no longer any possibility of an objective ranking of ultimate values or moral principles. 19. Weber's own writings support Lassman and Speirs' conclusion that Weber considered ultimate values and their subsequent political values to be subjectively determined. For instance, in Between Two Laws Weber writes that certain communities are able to provide the conditions for not only university such bourgeois values as citizenship and true democracy, but also much more intimate and yet eternal values, including artistic ones. 20 The language that Weber uses to characterize these two types of nguyen university of washington values leads to the interpretation that he held them to be a subjective matter. Regarding the first set of values, labeling them bourgeois brings to light their contingent nature: They are the product of a class, a strata. Regarding the university of victoria music, second set, the labels intimate and eternal clearly set them apart from any objective foundation. An intimate value is by marshall wv restaurants, definition personal, an opinion. Depth! Further: It carries the connotation of emotion, of mystification. Likewise with eternal.

This element of mystification, of institute faith in of victoria, what is ultimately unknown and university of virginia and sororityboysmovie, unknowable, materializes in of victoria, other pieces of evidence that help substantiate Weber's view that ultimate values cannot be objectively established. The nature of the avoid plastic bags, cause the politician seeks to serve by striving for and using power is a question of university faith. 21 Yet here Weber refers to the politician, not the undergraduate, social scientist. But could the same theorem not be applied to the social scientist? Could social scientist not be substituted for university of victoria music depth politician and, say, facts for power? And then could the the new ga zip, social scientist not be asked to university, use those facts objectively while maintaining a commitment to his values?

Answering these questions in the affirmative, which can be done only through an argument by extension, a frail but not hopeless step, leads to interpreting The Profession and Vocation of Politics as a metaphor for the actions of the social scientist, showing that the values he seeks to serve are also a question of faith. The argument by extension notwithstanding, there is other evidence that Weber held the social scientist's values to university fraternity and sororityboysmovie, be a subjective matter. Portis, for instance, says Weber believed it impossible to justify ultimate values scientifically. He presumed they were derived from the metaphysical commitments that define one's general outlook. 22 Rogers Brubaker, in The Limits of Rationality, also acknowledges that Weber's discussion of value orientations amplifies those of a long line of ethical relativists. Weber believed that value orientations are essentially subjective, and that conflict among them cannot be rationally resolved. 23.

Furthermore, Weber believed that value orientations could not be eliminated from of victoria, social scientific work. They necessarily determine the analyst's perspective. University Undergraduate Majors! Portis writes that Weber, in his Freiburg inaugural address, said political economy was a `political science,' in the sense that it must proceed from a value perspective. 24 More crucially, Portis goes on to quote Weber as writing that `there is no objective scientific analysis of culture . or social phenomena independent of of victoria depth special and one-sided viewpoints -- expressly or tacitly, consciously or unconsciously -- they are selected, analyzed, and organized for expository purposes.' 25. 5 Ruling Out Objectivity Prior to Perspective. But how, given this assertion by school atlanta ga zip, Weber, can he be seen to university, advocate a value-free analysis once a perspective has been established? The first hint lies in the quotation itself. Weber does say that there is institute university no objective analysis independent of special and 'one-sided' viewpoints, a remark that does not rule out objectivity, only objectivity prior to a perspective. This interpretation of Weber's position derives additional support from other comments Weber made regarding objectivity. Example: One of the deadly sins in university of victoria depth, the area of politics is, Weber says, a lack of objectivity.

26 The objectivity, however, can engage only after a value has been established; otherwise, this remark is logically inconsistent with Weber's statement that the the baker university, nature of the university, cause the politician seeks to serve by striving for and using power is a question of faith. The two statements, taken together, imply that once a political position -- a value or perspective -- has been established, the politician must hold to the ideal of objectivity. Furthermore, without resorting to the two-tiered interpretation of hong university of washington Weber's view of value-free social science, it would be difficult to reconcile Weber's comment that a lack of objectivity is a sin with the comment that there is no objective analysis independent of university music depth special viewpoints. Lassman and university of virginia and sororityboysmovie, Speirs supply another piece of evidence for depth the view that Weber believed a subjective end had to school, be established before objective analysis could proceed. Depth! They write: The `disenchantment' that Weber described did not stop with liberalism. The traditional philosophical foundations of all political ideologies and fraternity and sororityboysmovie, doctrines were threatened by a relentless undermining of their own presuppositions. This extract reveals that Weber, at least in Lassman and Speirs' view, was interested in analyzing from an objective viewpoint the makeup of various political systems -- but it also shows that the objective analysis could only be carried out once the purpose of the system, i.e., the ultimate value upon which it is based, is identified and university of victoria music, acknowledged.

Thus it seems, both by the new, default and implication, that Weber believed the political analyst could adhere to the principle of objectivity once an value or perspective had been laid out. In this regard, Weber departs from -- or rather builds upon -- the philosophy of social science laid out by Friedrich Nietzsche, whose thought influenced Weber. Of Victoria Music Depth! Nietzsche's perspectivism maintains that all interpretation is necessarily mediated by perspective, making analysis unavoidably laden with biases, presuppositions, values, and so forth. Weber builds on Nietzsche's perspectivism by maintaining that objectivity is michigan university still possible -- but only after a particular perspective, value, or end has been established. University Of Victoria Music! For the politician, the question of value is a choice of a faith; but once it is made, it should be pursued by objective means. For the social scientist, value necessarily determines perspective and influences the facts chosen for analysis, but once those decisions are made, the social scientist is the baker rice university bound by the principle of objectivity. The work of Weber scholars supports this conclusion.

Brubaker, for instance, affirms the two-tiered interpretation of Weber's view regarding objectivity: The selection of means to university of victoria depth, a given end can be assessed in terms of school ga zip code its objective rationality, since it is possible to discriminate objectively -- for Weber, scientifically -- between adequate and inadequate means. But the notion of objective rationality does not apply to wertrational action -- to action conceived as intrinsically rather than as instrumentally valuable, as an university of victoria depth, end in itself rather than as means to some further end. University Law School Huntington! 27. Portis agrees, writing that Weber came to believe that empirical methods, in social science, could distinguish between true and false beliefs only when researchers took a distinct orientation toward their own ultimate values. 28. 6 Establishing a Value Prior to Analysis. On another level, however, Portis also argues that Weber nevertheless maintained that political activity and social science are incompatible pursuits, and this is where Portis' interpretation of Weber's thought on of victoria objectivity goes afoul.

Weber, he says, denied that objectivity would be equated with impersonality or that it was possible for thought to be compartmentalized into normative and objective categories. 29. As a result, Portis maintains, Weber argued that a social scientist who engaged in political activity rendered inauthentic the test of his propositions against reality. Thus, Weber's perspective, Portis contends, is that politics are autonomous from of washington, science both in depth, principle and in practice. Portis is partly right. Yet he is also partly wrong. He accurately portrays Weber's first-level view that denies the existence of either positive or natural law, affirming the fact-value dichotomy: The categories through which social phenomena are perceived must be radically subjective, derived from priorities that the atlanta, investigator brings to depth, work rather than universal laws discovered through systematic observation.

30 Portis, however, soon goes astray -- or just does not go far enough -- in characterizing Weber's view of the fact-value dichotomy: Because these categories are antecedent to social scientific analysis, social problems cannot be scientifically resolved. 31 True, Weber would agree, categories must be established prior to analysis. Once established, these categories also entail ends, and western majors, it is by of victoria, working objectively toward those ends that allows the the new atlanta ga zip, social scientist to of victoria depth, resolve a given social problem scientifically. Moreover, if one accepts Weber's view that objectivity can be applied to social and economic problems only school at carver after a distinct value orientation has been established, it follows that political action does not corrupt a social scientist's objectivity as long as the scientist's perspective or values are explicitly acknowledged. The crucial element that Portis overlooks is university of victoria that by choosing categories, by establishing a value prior to analysis, as the social scientist must, he is necessarily making decisions that are inherently political in nature. Given this, the converse of Portis' conclusion in fact holds: That a social scientist cannot engage in objective analysis without taking overt political action, because the choice of values is itself a political act. From this it follows that science and politics are, for of washington Weber, not mutually exclusive; rather, they are mutually inclusive. The social scientist cannot proceed with objective analysis until after his values or perspective have been established, an act which is political, whether conscious or not, whether announced to others or not. Thus, despite Portis' ideal vision of university music depth Weber's thought to the contrary, social science and political activity are compatible: The social scientist, in conducting research and analyzing facts, is necessarily influenced by the baker institute rice university, his political position, at least to the extent determined by university depth, his ultimate values.

Weber knew this, and exhorted his fellow social scientists to clarify both for themselves and for avoid plastic bags essay writer others the values driving their investigations. Such a clarification is the prerequisite to objective analysis of of victoria depth facts with a particular purpose or value in mind. Furthermore, again despite Portis' claims to university, the contrary, part of the university of victoria music depth, power and allure of Weber lies in the dual legacy that he handed down: He succeeded, at least in the totality of his work, in being overtly political while remaining true to his integrity as a social scientist. At least one work by Weber -- his short essay titled The President of the Reich -- directly bears this out. And even if, as Portis argues, Weber did become psychologically tormented by the tension he felt between his need to voice his political views and his need to feel integrity as a social scientist, what allowed him, in the end, to succeed in being both political and scientific was his two-tiered approach to value-free social science. Weber sees the damage inherent in avoid plastic essay writer, failing to openly acknowledge one's values, and of victoria depth, the even greater danger in falling prey to the delusion that the analyst can evaluate social facts completely independent of own values. Weber sums up this position in The Nation State and Economic Policy: We in particular succumb readily to marshall huntington, a special kind of illusion, namely that we are able to of victoria, refrain entirely from making conscious value judgements of our own. 32 In other words, when the analyst fails to western university, clarify and consciously acknowledge his values, it is university music unlikely that he can conduct the subsequent analysis impartially. The acknowledgement of a value orientation is the prerequisite to objective evaluation. The following books, cited in the essay above, can be bought from Amazon.Com by clicking on plastic writer the title.

Criticism.Com, an university music depth, Amazon associate bookstore, derives a small fee on the purchase of every book sold through one of its links to Amazon. Thank you for supporting Criticism.Com. 1 Ralf Dahrendorf, Max Weber and Modern Social Science, Ch. 37, [Max Weber and university, his Contemporaries], eds. Wolfgang J. University Music Depth! Mommsen and Jurgen Osterhammel (London: The German Historical Institute/Allen Unwin, 1987), p. 577. 2 Edward Bryan Portis, [Max Weber and Political Commitment: Science, Politics, and Personality] (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1986), p. University! 75. 3 Peter Lassman and Ronald Speirs, Introduction, [Weber: Political Writings] (Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1994), p. xi. 4 Weber: Political Writings, The Nation State and Economic Policy, p. 1. 6 Weber: Political Writings, The Profession and Vocation of Politics, p. 331. 7 Weber: Political Writings, The Nation State and Economic Policy, p. 15. 11 Weber: Political Writings, The Profession and Vocation of Politics, p. 367.

14 Weber: Political Writings, Introduction by Lassman and university music, Speirs, p. xxiii. 15 Anthony Giddens, Weber and Durkheim: Coincidence and Divergence, Max Weber and his Contemporaries, eds. Wolfgang J. Mommsen and school atlanta code, Jurgen Osterhammel (London: The German Historical Institute/Allen Unwin, 1987), p. Music Depth! 188. 16 Weber: Political Writings, Introduction by Lassman and school at carver atlanta ga zip code, Speirs, p. xxiv. 20 Weber: Political Writings, Between Two Laws, p. 76. 21 Weber: Political Writings, The Profession and Vocation of Politics, p. University Of Victoria! 355. 22 Portis, Max Weber and Political Commitment, p. 15. 23 Rogers Brubaker, The Limits of Rationality: An Essay on the Social and Moral Thought of Max Weber (London: George Allen Unwin, 1984), pp. 5 and 6.

24 Portis, Max Weber and Political Commitment, p. 71. 25 Portis, Max Weber and university of virginia fraternity, Political Commitment, p. 72, quoting Weber from The Methodology of Social Sciences, trans. Edward A. Shils and Henry A. Finch (Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press, 1949), p. 72. 26 Weber: Political Writings, The Profession and Vocation of Politics, p. University Of Victoria Music Depth! 354. 27 Brubaker, The Limits of Rationality , p. 54.

28 Portis, Max Weber and Political Commitment , p. 71. 32 Weber: Political Writings, The Nation State and at carver ga zip code, Economic Policy, p. 19.

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A combination resume is literally a combination of the reverse-chronological and functional resume formats. Combination resumes will often begin with a professional profile or summary of rice qualifications that includes skills, abilities, and achievements relevant to depth the job opening. (This is the functional part.) This introductory section is then followed by your reverse-chronological professional experience, education, and additional sections. (This is the reverse-chronological part.) I should use a combination resume format if… I want to of virginia showcase a relevant and well-developed skill set.

I want to transfer to a different industry. I am a master at what I do. I shouldn’t use a combination resume format if… I am a student or entry level candidate. University Music? I want to bags emphasize my educational experience. I lack relevant qualifications and skills. To learn more about what should be in included in a combination resume format, click here. If you have any specific questions not answered in this guide please feel free to university post them in the comments at the bottom of the page and one of the new at carver atlanta our Senior Resume Experts will be glad to university answer them for you! PS.

Need that job? Be sure to the new at carver ga zip download our Resume Checklist to ensure that you’ve written a complete, professional resume. Click Here to Download. Our Resume Checklist. If I apply a admin. job but I only have relevant experience several years ago, and now in school learning social service. How can I make my resume? Emphasize old skills and transferable skills from social service in a combination or functional resume. Good luck on the job hunt! Yes, if you have several impressive awards/honors then they can definitely be place above your professional experience.

Good luck on the job hunt! We suggest using a combination format. Best of luck on the job hunt! We suggest that you stick with the university music traditional reverse-chronological format. Good luck! I did a career shift recently to teaching after having a graduate degree and 10 years experience in planning and atlanta development.

I have recently completed a graduate degree in education and have 2 years of teaching experience in a preschool setting and trying to now make the depth shift to elementary age. Hong? Do you think I should use a combination resume? A combination resume should work for your situation. Depth? Check out our combination format writing guide for more info: For a chronological resume, if I completed an michigan, internship with a past employer — while simultaneously being employed by them — does the of victoria music depth internship go above or below the primary employment experience? (E.g., I worked at HSBV from 8/2013 – 12/2015, with my internship — also at HSBV — from 1/2015 – 5/2015, so right in the middle of my employment with them. Should the bags essay writer internship be listed before, or after?) You should list you internship after your employment. Good luck! I have what I perceive to be a unique situation (I understand everyone thinks they are different).

I am an army veteran of of victoria music depth nearly 7 years and now I am studying to get my BS is Homeland Security. I joined the and sororityboysmovie army at 19 in 2006 and got out in of victoria music, 2013. From 2013 until January of this year, I have been trying to make my own way as an entrepreneur. I was largely unsuccessful and in hong university, order to stay on music depth, top of my bills I ended up taking odd jobs during the day while working as a bouncer at nguyen university of washington, various bars and clubs at night. I am currently looking for university music, an internship as part of my degree program so i need to of virginia and sororityboysmovie create a resume. University Of Victoria Music Depth? I thought a functional resume would be ideal so as to western majors blur the past 3 years. However, I understand from this article that students should use a chronological resume. I need to of victoria depth know how firm that rule is.

Also, if anyone has any specific guidance for my resume I am very willing to accept advice. Avoid Plastic? Thanks. In your situation, we would suggest using a functional format. Music Depth? This will allow you to focus on your skills that are relevant to michigan university undergraduate majors the internship you are applying for. Good luck on the job hunt and thank you for your service! Okay so I am a third year college student looking for a part-time job that fits my class schedule and university depth isn’t in the fast-food industry to help me pay rent next year. I have never had to write a resume for any of my other jobs so I’m at the new school at carver atlanta code, a loss as to what to do.

I am applying as an entry-level applicant but I also didn’t work during my freshman year and about half of my sophomore year. Therefore I’m not really sure how to approach this and I really need this job. Please help! Thanks! Good luck on the job hunt!

Consider adding a ‘Publications’ section to include your research and writing experience. Music Depth? Good luck on the job hunt. Several positions require a chronological resume be included. I am over 40, most recent position was over 5 yrs ago as a Seasonal Tax Professional with HR Block. Marshall Law School? Recently received my AA degree. I do not include employment start – end dates on my resume for many reasons but I am not trying to depth look like someone who can not or will not follow directions either. Please share your thoughts. Hi I used to be a pediatric nurse for the new atlanta code, two years till moved to this country on 2012 and have been working at Walmart since then, recently got my RN license and want to start working as a nurse…what type would you recommend me? In your case, we suggest using a functional resume. Best of luck on the job hunt! Hi, I am presently working as Project Manager in construction company and university of victoria music before this I worked as Operations Manager in the new at carver atlanta ga zip code, a different company.

Now I want to apply for a job (Title : Plant Manager). I am confused which format I should choose to post for this job opportunity. Please recommend. We suggest sticking with the university depth traditional reverse-chronological format. Best of luck! Detailing all 18 years of your experience might be overdoing it. With three pages, there is likely some redundant information that you could cut. However, if you truly feel that all of your content is relevant and of interest to the employer, then stick with what you have. Best of luck on the job hunt!

I am now trying to marshall law school huntington rejoin the full-time workforce after almost a 17 year absence. Prior to university music marriage mother hood I was a very successful Director of avoid writer Public relations for a well known beauty company in NYC (1990-1996). After that I joined a small firm on Long Island as their first ever Director of PR and advertising (1997-1999). Then babies came. 6 years later I joined a local firm as their Director of Operations (office manager) from 2006-2009. Then my family and I moved to Switzerland and just returned after 7 years. I was a teacher of university music depth English as a Second Language. The Baker Institute Rice University? I am looking for work in music, almost any capacity: From Communications manager to administrative assistant. I am struggling with how to present my resume. I’ve been letting my cover letters explain the history and why I would be a good fit for any given position, but I’m sure my resume is holding me back.

Any ideas. Thanks in advance! If you’re looking to plastic bags writer get back into communications or office management, then it might be better to use a functional format. This will allow you to university depth emphasize your skills instead of the dates of your work experience. The Baker University? As far as explaining work gaps in your cover letter, check out university this how-to guide: While I was in high school I did my internship at for State Farm. After I graduated I was offered a job there and stayed there for university fraternity, 2 years. I have recently worked at the National Instituted of Health for university depth, a year. I currently want to atlanta ga zip code go back to finding an office job or something related and need help deciding what type of university resume I should use?

Based on the info you’ve given us, a ‘Chronological’ format would still be appropriate. Best of luck! If the the position you are applying for is also an administrative job, then stick with the bags traditional Reverse-Chronological resume format. Good luck on the job hunt! Glad you liked it! Hi there! This is great. I was just wondering, if I’ve been at the same position for 3 years (2014-present) but did a second job for university music depth, 6 months in avoid plastic, 2015 that I would like to list, would I put that first (since technically 2015 is more recent than 2014)? Or would I list that after my current position, since I’m still presently in this role?

Thanks! List your current position first. Best of luck! A combination or functional resume would be suitable. Best of university music depth luck! It sounds like a functional format would be a good choice. Good luck on the job hunt! Hi there Elizabeth, You have a bit of flexibility with the resume format, but when in doubt go with reverse-chronological. Because you’re lacking in transferable skills, I’d recommend working on your resume objective to get your application started on the right foot.

Also consider the soft skills you’ve built during your time working in a call center. Many of these could potentially be transferable. Good luck with your job application! Yes, a combination resume is perfectly suited to someone of your experience, even with the career change. Good luck making the hong university of washington shift back into your previous field! If you are aiming for a new industry, you can’t go wrong with the of victoria depth classic “reverse-chronological” resume format. Good luck landing your fellowship! Share Resume Format Guide – Reverse-Chronological, Functional, #038; Combination Styles Our code geeks and HR experts are proud to introduce our new Free Resume Builder software to help you land more interviews in today’s competitive job market. We provide HR-approved resume templates, built-in job description bullet point phrases to avoid essay writer choose from, and easy export to MS Word and PDF. Get awesome job opportunities sent directly to university your inbox.

By clicking Send Me Job Alerts, I agree to the Resume Genius Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Play the hong of washington One-Minute Game That’ll Show You How to Improve Your Resume. Think you can judge the of victoria depth quality of a resume within 6 seconds? The answer may surprise you. Put your skills to the test, and and sororityboysmovie learn how to university of victoria music make your resume 6 second worthy! 3 Reasons Why I Wouldn't Hire Tom Brady. Tom Brady’s resume is a couple yards short of a touchdown. There are tons of errors throughout.

See why. How to Modify and Maximize your Resume Template. Need a resume template? Feel free to nguyen university download one, but be sure to university depth make small modifications to unlock your. Would You Rather Work for a Man or a Woman? Do people still care whether they work for university of virginia fraternity and sororityboysmovie, a man or woman, or do most people simply look for university of victoria, a nice job.

Resume Builder Comparison | Resume Genius vs. LinkedIn Labs. What are the differences between the major online resume builders? Here's an in michigan university undergraduate majors, depth analysis of what. Resume Genius' builder, resources, advice and career tips are regularly featured on some of the world's leading online and music depth offline publications including:

Our code geeks and HR experts are proud to introduce our new Free Resume Builder software to hong nguyen university of washington help you land more interviews in today's competitive job market. HR-proven resume templates, built-in job description bullet point phrases to choose from, and easily export to university of victoria depth MS Word and PDF.

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30 Free Printable Resume Templates 2017 to Get a Dream Job. Of Victoria Music Depth. Job search is university of virginia fraternity, a time-consuming and nerve-racking process that exhausts all candidates. And I wasn’t an exception. When I was looking for the job of my dreams, I focused mainly on preparing for an interview and neglected to create a professional resume. I simply opened a Word doc and listed my skills, education, and previous part-time jobs I took as a student. The outcome was like someone shut the door in of victoria music my face.

I sent my CV to about 20 companies, and NONE of them got in touch with me. I didn’t expect prompt replies from recruiters, but in at carver ga zip code a week I understood there was no point to keep on waiting. I even thought something went wrong with my mailbox. To test it, I sent my CV to my close friend, and he got it. So, the problem wasn’t in my mailbox. It was my CV that failed.

Today, I want to of victoria music depth share free goodies with you and the new atlanta ga zip code other desperate job seekers who don’t want to screw up their resumes like I did. How To Make The Perfect Resume [Ultimate Tutorial] Instead of sweating over your CV, you can use a ready-made solution that looks professional, stylish, and eye-catching. Check out my exclusive set of 30+ free printable resume templates 2017 . Your CV is the only chance to make a favorable first impression on recruiters before the interview, so it’s crucial to polish it from all angles. While the first and foremost thing to focus on is definitely content, you can’t neglect the importance of its structure and look. If your CV doesn’t appeal to university of victoria employers visually, they won’t expect that from you either and will probably throw it off without reading a single line of text. You may be the perfect candidate for a vacancy, but no one will ever know it if your resume doesn’t accentuate this fact. According to the estimates revealed at , every job opening attracts around 250 applicants. So, how can your candidacy stand out among other 249 CVs? In fact, it’s not that hard as it may seem to be. Simply follow a few tips to represent yourself to potential employers as effectively as possible.

1. Choose the resume format . Your choice will depend on the priorities you want to spotlight, i.e. skills, experience, background, etc. If you need to put emphasis on fraternity your experience, previous job titles and companies you worked for, the best option for university of victoria music depth you is a chronological format of CV. The New At Carver Ga Zip Code. Those of you who want underline the skills are advised to use a functional format of of victoria music CV. What’s cool about this type is fraternity, a possibility to list the skills you acquired not only at work, but also at of victoria, university, voluntary or any other out-of-school organizations. The functional format is especially advantageous for candidates eager to enter a new career field.

Furthermore, you can optionally combine two formats to highlight your expertise and skills the same well. 2. Focus on the resume design . Your CV must be attention-getting and avoid writer memorable, but you shouldn’t achieve such a wow effect by making it content-heavy, excessively colorful or, say, cluttered with multiple unnecessary elements. Try to keep its layout clean, titles clear, information concise, typography readable, and palette eye-friendly. Don’t impose yourself on HR managers. Instead, do your best to university music deliver your merits to institute them in a somewhat reserved yet inviting manner. Compiling this set of free CV templates, we took into account all the mentioned key points. As a result, we picked 30 unique printable resume designs that can keep your content well-structured, consistent and easy-to-read. You can leave each of them as is or customize a little bit in order to add a personal touch to the presentation of of victoria depth your candidacy. Using one of these ready-made templates, you will have an opportunity to get a professional CV at no cost and as quick as a flash.

In such a way, there will be much more time for western michigan university undergraduate working on the resume content and searching for vacant positions. When choosing the right template for yourself, follow one more tip , please. 3. Consider the industry , in which you’re involved. If you need a job in a traditional sphere, keep your CV a little conservative, but it doesn’t mean plain and university music dull. Combine streamlined fonts with bold colors to give prominence to bags essay the most important details, e.g. headings, dates, etc. Applicants for photography and art-related jobs must show more creativity on the pages of their CVs. They are free to step aside from traditional layouts and university of victoria music depth use richer visual aesthetics.

Now that you know the key points of choosing the western michigan majors, CV design, proceed to 30 free printable resume templates 2017 featured in our hand-picked selection. Of Victoria Depth. Simple Snapshot – The Freebie Photo Resume Template. This free resume template is composed of blocks that highlight contact details, work experience, education, skills, and profile. You can also attach a photo to the top of its layout. Light blue is school at carver atlanta code, used to accentuate headings for better content hierarchy. Classy Emerald – A Fancy Word Resume Template Freebie. If you need a classy design for your CV, try this Word template. Its content-packed layout is perfect for engaging employers with various facts, from experience to music depth education. University Of Virginia Fraternity. An emerald green palette will make your resume easy on the eye. Subtle Resume Freebie – The Intelligent Applicant. This creative resume template will capture attention of music depth any HR manager.

Gray shades can add a formal tone to your CV, while calligraphy fonts will present your content with style. Institute. Check out university music, a fully scalable and perfectly aligned template for western university undergraduate majors your CV. It features a clean layouts with multiple color options and music free fonts. You can edit this print-ready template in all the university fraternity, CS versions. Depth. For easier use, a help file comes packed into the freebie. Here is avoid bags essay, a two-page resume template that you can edit in MS Word. Its text-rich, well-organized layout will help you reveal all your strong points to potential employers. Music Depth. As a bonus, you can also find a template for a cover letter in this package. This print-ready resume template is available in Ms Word, Ai, and PSD formats. Its parameters include 210 x 297-mm size, 3-mm bleed, 300-dpi resolution and CMYK color model.

The template utilizes Open Sans and plastic essay Font Awesome. For ease of use, there is also a PDF help file in the package. This free package comes with 2 printable CV versions in the AI format and a web CV version in PSD , and a business card in music AI as a bonus. Check a minimalist PSD solution with an elegant black and white palette, smart content organization, and icons for easier comprehension of the info. Hong Nguyen. Here is a well-crafted resume template designed in university of victoria music depth the Infographic style and available in marshall law school huntington the PSD format for easy customization. 6 Professional Resume CV Templates. This package contains 6 professionally designed CV templates.

Each of them includes a two-page resume and one cover letter. To customize the templates, simply insert your photo and replace the default text with yours. Curriculum Vitae for a Graphic Designer. Of Victoria. This free curriculum vitae template in the AI format boasts well-structured blocks and mild colors for a pleasant view. Graphic Designer Resume Template PSD. Get your dream job with the the baker, help of this free professional PSD freebie. Edit it the university, way you like in university of virginia fraternity the shortest possible time.

This freebie is university depth, packed with 3 fully layered and editable PSD files of A4 size, 300-dpi resolution, 0.25 bleed, and CMYK . The files are designed for creating a resume, portfolio and cover letter. Each of of washington them boasts a clean look, yellow accents, and Roboto font, which will give a modern look to your documents. Freebie 2015 | Graphic Blue Resume. Here is one of the best free CV templates to print. Of Victoria Depth. All the elements of this PSD file are editable, which means you can experiment with its design without any limits. Consider this ready-to-print design if you need a simple yet elegant CV.

This AI vector file features 8.5” x 11” dimensions, 300-dpi resolution, and hong nguyen CMYK color profile. Free PSD Resume Cover Letter Template. Photographers, designers, or any other artistic individuals are advised to consider this PSD package. Music Depth. It gives a free access to of virginia and sororityboysmovie both a resume and cover letter. The freebie is notable for 3 color options, minimalist icons, and transparent background where you can add your photo or any other image. Take a look at another CV template to impress potential employers. Of Victoria. Available in huntington the AI format, it features ample white space spiced up with green accents and geometric shapes for an edgy look. Here is a contemporary, print-ready and 100% editable PSD design for A4 resumes. This free package is composed of resume, cover letter and business card templates. Free Minimalist Clean Resume Template.

This free resume template can be used in both Photoshop and Illustrator . Its major characteristics include A4 size, 300-dpi resolution, 3-mm bleed, Montserrat font, and university music depth smart object header. A cover letter is hong of washington, also accessible in this free package. The next free resume template is designed in the form of a brochure. This PSD file with a thought-out layout can be easily adapted to your preferences. Give a try to this PSD resume template of 300 dpi with fully editable text and artwork.

It makes use of modern tricks including Lato font, Flat Icon and Font Awesome . This tastefully simple PSD template features colorful elements, which will let you attract recruiters’ attention to the most important details instantly. Here is an of victoria music depth A4 resume template with well-grouped PSD layers and dark layout. Institute Rice University. The fonts used in its design include Arial, Roboto , and Segoe UI Symbol . Let your resume look creative with this ultramodern freebie. It comes with PSD folio pages of a resume and cover letter. You can also choose from light and dark versions of these designs.

Boost your chances to university of victoria music depth get a desirable job with this professional CV freebie. The template comes in the AI format and 11” x 8” resolution. Oswald from the marshall university law school huntington, Google Fonts API was chosen for music depth its typography. Here is a freebie with a two-column layout, star rankings, icons and small yet catchy labels. The template is law school, made is the AI format. This is an of victoria depth exclusive freebie packed with a clean CV and marshall university law school wv restaurants cover letter. The templates are available in EPS, AI and PSD formats. A logo is also included to university of victoria depth the package. This modest PSD -layered template features all the at carver atlanta code, essential resume sections, from university of victoria education and work experience to awards and personal skills. Its design catches an eye with progress bars and circular pre-loaders.

If you want to give a detailed overview of your merits in an easy-to-perceive manner, use this well-structured template of A4 size. Marshall Law School. Its high-quality PSD file is fully customizable. Free Elegant Resume Cover Letter PSD Template. Here are free layered PSD files to design a successful resume and cover letter. They come in 2550 x 3284 px , 300 dpi , and 3 color variations. 2 of them boast a white background with colored borders, while the third one has a black and white palette. To edit the files, you are required to use Adobe Photoshop CS4+ . Of Victoria Music Depth. Free Professional Resume (CV) Template for of virginia fraternity Graphic Designers. Music. This free CV design provides an opportunity to university and sororityboysmovie express your best qualities with a minimum amount of words. Made in the AI format, this editable template features an elegant and legible font dubbed Champagne Limousines . Of Victoria. Free Simple Professional Resume Template.

The austere look of this template makes it perfect for job seekers involved in business, finance, industrial, politics, education and many other fields. This AI file with Larke Sans font can be altered in michigan majors line with your requirements. Of Victoria. Take advantage of a smart information architecture and clean look of this resume template. Hong. Built in the PSD format, the freebie is easy to edit in Photoshop . Readability, minimalism, and uncluttered layout are the main characteristics of this freebie. It can be easily edited in Adobe Illustrator . This three-page resume template in PSD is designed to university of victoria depth put emphasis on all the major details, namely the personal info, skills, experience, and hobbies.

Look at university law school huntington wv restaurants, a free CV template ready to print. University Of Victoria Music. Its main properties are as follows: AI format, 300 dpi, CMYK , unlimited resolution as well as editable colors, fonts and icons. To make the most of this freebie, use a step-by-step PDF guide available in its package. Smart Freebie Word Resume Template – The Minimalist. The next resume freebie has a minimalist yet content-rich design. It will help you reveal your candidacy in full to school ga zip code employees. University. The template is available in the .doc format, which means you’ll find it easy to customize it. Check out marshall law school huntington wv restaurants, a bundle packed with 12 resume templates, 12 cover letters, and a creative portfolio template. There are also 30 hobbies icons, 50+ social media icons, and vector world maps. You can choose from Word and Indesign file versions. Which one of university music these 30 free printable resume templates 2017 is worth a try, in your opinion?

Do you know any other noteworthy CV freebies that could be a perfect complement to this set? Feel free to marshall university huntington wv restaurants share them in the section of depth comments to this article. Those are life saver #128578; Thanks for this nice collection.

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Update Your Resume: 6 Tips for Traditional and Modern Styles. Everyone needs a resume. Of Victoria Music? It isn’t only for those searching for western michigan university undergraduate, work. This document can launch your career, market your experience, open up networking opportunities, and university music depth, land you interviews for your next move. If you’re dealing with conflicting advice or are unsure where to start, I have some suggestions for you.

A resume is university fraternity and sororityboysmovie, a combination of depth, your skills, results, work experience, and education. Consider it a brief snapshot or advertisement about you, developed for university, a specific audience. If your resume is a generic list of your past jobs and daily responsibilities, then it is time to update. This resume style may have worked well enough in the past, but if you want to reach out to new people, build your network or develop leads, then your resume will need a targeted focus. (image via DeathToStockPhoto)

Your development strategy should reflect your audience. Identify the purpose of university of victoria depth, your resume: Who do you want to see it? What do you want to showcase? Where do you want to grab their attention? Think of your audience as you write your content and university of virginia fraternity, remove anything that does not speak to them.

This extraneous information can waste space. For example, if you are changing careers, explain your career history in a way that relates your skills and abilities to the new position. Focus on transferable skills and university of victoria depth, accomplishments of your past roles. Create media that would impress your audience. This doesn’t have to be developed for avoid, printed paper either: think larger. You could create a website ( is a great free resource for developing your own biographical page), develop an infographic ( has low-cost or free resources to make effective visuals), film a marketing video (use YouTube, Vimeo, or Vine for free!) there is such a wide variety of ways in which you can express yourself and share information. If you are active on social media, share that on of victoria music depth your resume. The New School Ga Zip? Provide URL links and cross-link from university of victoria music one account to another to allow your audience to hong nguyen university of washington connect with you on their preferred platform.

You can even promote your resume, be it paper, infographic, or video, across those social links to gain a wider audience. Some social accounts are used distinctly for marketing yourself as a job seeker. For example, Pinterest can be a resource to those in university depth, visual fields. You can share your resume, showcase your work, and follow companies. For a job search related Pinterest, take a look at the Connecticut Career Guidance Pinterest here. Avoid “shortcuts.” When it comes to paper resumes, never use a generic template. Why not? Because most of hong of washington, them have a large amount of depth, white space and put all of of virginia fraternity, your information into tables. This makes updating the resume down the line an arduous process (where I normally will just eliminate all formatting until I have plain text outside of tables).

Further, this type of of victoria, resume may have difficulty being “read” for avoid bags writer, scanning in music, an online application. 2. Stay focused. Although you may feel a need to explain all the details of each job and why you left, save that for the interview. Keep cutting and editing information until you can get to the root of the matter in hong nguyen university, a few sentences. A few key ways to of victoria do this are to eliminate sentences that don’t start with an action. Cut out references to “Responsible for…” and keep in mind you want to describe the marshall university huntington wv restaurants, past job. Think of what you did every day in the form of an university of victoria depth, action (Ex.

Resolved customer concerns at call center), not a list of semi-related skills, such as, “customer service, phones…” 3. Make it readable. Now that you have developed your content, find a way to make it easy for someone to institute university quickly scan it. Make use of bullet points or use lines to separate sections. University Depth? Use bold or italics or small caps to draw your eye in to key sections. For contrast, what you want to of virginia and sororityboysmovie avoid is a document that looks like a wall of music, text. The Baker Rice? Break it up so it is easier to digest. If you’re creating a video or infographic, remember less is more. For an infographic, use minimalist shapes and lines to lead the eye across the of victoria, image as you tell your career story. Overwhelming the plastic essay writer, image with graphics and icons can be too distracting. For videos, make sure you have a quality camera with good lighting and audio pickup.

Definitely work with a friend to music film yourself: rarely do self-made videos from a laptop camera look professional. School? There are plenty of university, software programs where you can edit scenes or delete bad takes. Hong Nguyen Of Washington? Use minimal graphics to emphasize key words or points throughout. For each scene, stick with the rule of 3: you don’t want to depth have more than 3 bullets during a scene. More than 3 bullets in a presentation or video can make information hard to retain. 4. Create your own sections. Feeling locked in by the traditional standards? “Objective,” “Work History” and “Education” are not the the new at carver ga zip code, end-all of resume sections. Some writers call these sections “functional headers,” which allow you to break up your resume content in a way you see fit.

If you want to emphasize technical skills, career accomplishments, or volunteer experience, create your own sections and expand on the areas. University Music Depth? This can be a great way of getting to your matching job requirements or displaying your experience across the years in one cohesive section. 5. Don’t repeat. Hong Nguyen University? For example, if you create a “Career Accomplishments” section, do not copy and paste the same accomplishment and then list it again under the appropriate job in your “Work History.” Find a way to reword it and university depth, keep it brief. Choose one section to expand on this accomplishment and leave it there. 6. Proofread. Then have someone outside your field review it. Are you speaking in a lot of jargon? Try to make it understandable in case there are initial gatekeepers reviewing the material first. And of course, please do your best to avoid spelling or grammatical mistakes. Western Undergraduate Majors? Keep an eye out for formatting inconsistencies.

Most importantly: Don’t fret over “rules.” Everyone has an of victoria depth, opinion on resume writing, but you will develop the document or media you feel most comfortable sharing. Avoid Plastic Bags? When people use words like, “Always” or “Never,” take their advice with a grain of salt. There are no set rules in this project- only to university of victoria music create media that impresses your audience and furthers your goal. University Of Virginia? That goal may be an interview, a new client, or a new connection. Keep the media or document alive and change it every now and again to of victoria see what gains you the best results.

What strategies do you use when updating your resume? Let me know in wv restaurants, the comments below. Of Victoria Depth? Our American Job Centers offer free resume writing resources, critiques, and workshops. Check out our Connecticut locations here. Not the michigan undergraduate, same: LinkedIn vs. Resume Summary.

Every job seeker needs a strong resume, and more job seekers are getting onto LinkedIn. You can use your resume to begin building your LinkedIn profile, but the two are very different. University Of Victoria Music? I am going to break down the university of virginia fraternity and sororityboysmovie, differences between these two sections and depth, show you ways to promote yourself on both. Marketing document used to highlight your background and match you for a target job. WHAT IS A LINKEDIN PROFILE? Online profile used to market your experience and goals to connect with like-minded professionals and university, expand your network. They both share a similar goal, with a few minor differences. The goal is to of victoria music depth provide a “big picture” view of your experience, achievements, skills, and expertise. Business/professional writing that uses an university, understood “I” and starts with adjectives or verbs. (Sometimes even written in third-person… the horror!) Professional, but natural writing. Of Victoria Depth? Write your profile similar to how you would introduce yourself to someone.

Provides the “big picture” of your skills and experience, typically customized and sent to one targeted employer. Explain the “big picture” of who you are, who you would seek to connect with – a general overview that is available to fellow professionals, recruiters, and employers to the new atlanta code view. Can lead into Core Skills or Career Highlights sections. Option to add images or graphics limited by venue (online job applications, email, printing). Can use functional headers within Summary to highlight achievements or skills, but avoid duplication in sections on LinkedIn such as Skills or Experience. Ability to add rich media (links to work, news, slideshare, PDFs, images, etc.) open to user.

The resume and music depth, LinkedIn profile will be readjusted throughout your career. Both are living documents that change as you gain experience and knowledge. University? Although the resume is still widely viewed as a traditional document, use the writing style and of victoria depth, language you feel best represents you. LinkedIn offers the flexibility to avoid bags essay show a little more into your personality: make the university of victoria music depth, best of it. As long as you are getting results (interviews, connection requests, page views, call backs, etc.) then you edit these sections as you see fit. Now since these sections may be hard to visualize- below I have captured some samples created by myself and my team here within the the new school, American Job Center network. Contrast the traditional, formal style of the resume summary with the university music depth, more conversational tone of the LinkedIn sections. I hope you find the samples helpful! As an Employment Services Specialist, I find it valuable to reference specific employer preferences/concerns when offering job search advice, presenting workshops or justifying resume edits. So, when I had the opportunity to attend a career fair recently I made a point to western university talk to music depth recruiters, HR personnel and employers about resumes.

I wanted to know what they liked and what common mistakes they saw. Here is what I found: List a professional email address on the resume. I was ready to write this off as a cliche until I heard it cost someone an interview. Employers consistently mentioned this as a common mistake found on resumes! Check your resume, if there is something other than a combination of first/last name take a few minutes and create a new email address. Customize the resume to each job. Yes, this is tough to do for career fairs since there are many employers and you might not know who is nguyen university of washington, attending.

Your best strategy is to try and find an attendees list, identify a few employers from that list to university of victoria music depth target then build customized resumes accordingly. If you have to use a generic resume, still provide one to the employer but get a business card and tell them you will email a customized resume later in the day (or next day). An added bonus is you’ve created a follow up opportunity. Headline Statements are awesome. The headline statement is an occupational title geared toward the job you are seeking. On the resume it appears just below your contact information. The Employer likes this because it is easy to identify the candidate’s job target. Self-serving Objectives are not awesome.

Again, kind of avoid plastic writer, a cliche, yet still mentioned as a common mistake. Remember, employers want to see how your skills benefit them not that you want a full time position with opportunities for growth and fulfillment as a… Don’t fear the applicant tracking system. Applicant tracking systems are tools to help organize the of victoria music depth, chaos associated with hundreds or thousands of applications. Follow best practices when completing online applications and michigan university, resumes such as using proper grammar, matching wording to job requirements, etc. Instead of blaming applicant tracking systems for not getting interviews, work on things you can control like having a resume critique and networking. Print resumes on resume paper.

Resume paper enhances the appearance of the document and shows you are willing to university depth go that extra step. Most resumes employers see at job fairs are printed on regular paper which detracts from the quality. Resume paper and printing is available at no cost at institute rice American Job Centers across CT ( Looking back, I am glad I took advantage of the opportunity to of victoria network with hiring personnel and employers at the career fair. I met very nice people who were willing to share their insight on resumes. If you are considering attending a career fair or are searching for work, hopefully these tips will help you land an interview. Addressing #Education on Your #Resume. The Education Section of a resume has many purposes. It shows the highest level you completed, if you’re a recently graduated student, additional honors or awards, and hong of washington, perhaps a solid GPA. Regardless, many people must handle this section differently to university music depth market themselves effectively.

IF YOU’RE A CURRENT STUDENT OR RECENT GRADUATE… …without much work experience, have your education precede your work experience on your resume. Currently, your education is your more marketable offering, as opposed to professional histories. Students and recent graduates should provide any of their school information that can help replace a lack of experience. A competitive GPA may attract an employer seeking an intern or new employee (but note the use on GPA for non-students or graduates below.) There may be networking opportunities if you seek work through an alumni association or student center as well, depending on what your schools career advisory department has to offer. Any clubs, activities, or committees where you had a role of leadership or assisted in western michigan university majors, new developments could work here as well, just as long as those groups do not show your political or religious preferences. If the hiring manager doesn’t hold a similar world view, advertising this information may hurt your chances of obtaining employment. IF YOU’RE DEGREE ISN’T COMPLETED YET BUT WILL BE… …in the next couple years, you can note the depth, “Degree Awarded” date as a projection. University of bags, Maine.

Projected Graduation Date : May 2015. IF YOU FINISHED YOUR DEGREE YEARS AGO… …place this information near the bottom, or on page two of of victoria music depth, a resume, so it doesn’t waste the university undergraduate majors, valuable space your professional experience will utilize. The typical standard is to not provide any dates in education unless they were within the university, last five to ten years. University of Massachusetts. Bachelor of Arts Degree – Business. As far as GPAs go, unless it was something outstanding such as a 3.8 or higher, I would leave it off. This is a cause of contention among other resume writers, but my thought is fraternity, this: what is the purpose of depth, showing your GPA?

To show the employer you did well in school? Employers typically focus more on your professional accomplishments, as they are more relevant to their needs. The New School Atlanta Code? GPA’s just show, at the very worst, that you may still crave grade-based approval- which is not helpful in university music depth, the world of work. These days I don’t believe it matters so much where you went to school, as long as you attended some of university huntington wv restaurants, that schooling in person. Online colleges are a lot more cost effective these days if you work and complete your degree during your off hours. University Music? However, if you’re a current student without any work history, attending school solely online, you will have to join some type of group or volunteer organization to show an ability to work as part of western undergraduate majors, a team.

Essentially, you want your resume to show how you have interacted with coworkers, and university, hopefully, what positive results came from that interaction. …but are only bags essay missing a few credits, you can label your education as a “Bachelors Candidate.” Example below. University of Rhode Island. Bachelor of Science Candidate – Psychology. Another option would be to state what your major was, but without listing dates or Degrees Awarded. University of Connecticut. Concentration – Communcation and Language. IF YOU LACK A HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA OR G.E.D… … one option may be to only list the name of the high school you attended without dates, and list your area of university music depth, focus. Such as:

John Smith High School. Concentration: Fine Arts. Another option I tend to and sororityboysmovie use more and university of victoria music depth, usually prefer, is avoid bags essay writer, foregoing the education section altogether. Depth? Instead, list the relevant industry or management trainings, whether they were work sponsored or not. Instead of “Education,” this section can be labeled “Professional Development” or “Industry Training and Education” or any title that fits the courses detailed in the section. Management training courses sponsored through the American Management Association. Leading with Emotional Intelligence. Getting Results without Authority. The goal is to gain a job interview while minimizing any red flags. If you’re a current student or recent graduate, you need to market your education to minimize the lack of essay, experience. If you have professional experience, there are various strategies to minimize any potential red flags if there is a degree requirement in university music, the position.

When a specific degree isn’t a direct job requirement, showcasing achievements and the baker rice, quantifying duties can help get your foot in the door to of victoria music depth an interview. The Art of Revision in an Effective #Resume Summary. “By the time I am nearing the plastic, end of a story, the first part will have been reread and altered and corrected at least one hundred and fifty times. I am suspicious of music depth, both facility and speed. Good writing is essentially rewriting. I am positive of this.” — Roald Dahl. Part of my job entails training colleagues on resume writing and general career counseling in order to be prepared to nguyen take on a competitive resume writing certification exam. Through this great experience, my team in the office has had a lot of time to develop and music depth, revise training for colleagues of fraternity and sororityboysmovie, various technical and writing skills. No matter what, the profile section of a resume has always been the most time consuming. One newer strategy came a few weeks ago, that has worked fairly well for my own purposes for advice to university of victoria depth coworkers and job seekers alike. [As a warning, all that follows is a journey down the dark caverns of my mind- or rather, my thought process as it relates to resume writing and strategies that have proven to be successful.

Excuse my seemingly contradictory blog here, as I detail the avoid plastic bags essay writer, benefits of being concise in a long-winded post.] The profile statement is typically a paragraph section underneath a headline statement on a combination style resume. Here is of victoria music, where the first sentence has to be an hong nguyen of washington, all-encompassing marketing statement, highlighting the most significant selling points of the client that speaks to the employer’s needs. Every time we write one, I think of my time in a Shakespeare festival playing an evil sister in a reenactment of King Lear. My close friend Stephanie played the other evil sister and we had to ‘fight’ over university of victoria music the same man. The first time running through the play quickly, it took an hour. Then for the baker university, the audience, the goal was to do the play in of victoria depth, a half hour. Then 10 minutes.

Then 5 minutes…. Plastic Bags Essay? Then all the way down to 30 seconds. What started off as a snarky, witty back-and-forth between Stephanie and university of victoria music, me became an the baker rice university, all-out fight scene. We literally took each other down on stage, trying to get the essence of the evil sisters relationship conveyed under the time constraints. And I see you, staring at me right now, thinking, “Land the depth, plane…” Well, consider the full 5-7 sentences of a full paragraph the 10 minute version. The very first sentence is that 30 second version. Of Virginia Fraternity? The half hour may be the full resume and its accompanying documents, and the full hour would be the music depth, resume accompanied with the western michigan, interview process until the hiring decision. Giving the employer piece by piece what they need and university of victoria depth, no more is another exercise in time constraints. Giving them too much too soon could dance on the border of being irrelevant and hong, the employer may lose interest or not see the worth amongst the university of victoria music, wealth of information. To avoid resume jargon that doesn’t market a client well, I suggest the following. When crafting the Summary-

1. Determine the unique selling points. 3-5 of them would be ideal. Selling points are what the client has to offer the employer. Did they make or save money? Did they manage a successful project?

Implement a new program? Just complete a competitive training course? 2. List the unique selling points in order of significance. Determine which selling points have the michigan university undergraduate, most impact and lead with them. Of Victoria? Those of still impressive but lesser significance can help close the summary. With all else excluded, the plastic bags essay writer, first sentence has to university depth function as a stand-alone sentence, able to market the client well as leading statement in case the employer only skims the resume. 3. Without using adjectives, articles, and pronouns, write the unique selling points as full sentences. Describe the selling point in detail without any descriptive words. This may seem difficult at marshall huntington wv restaurants first, but will be well worth it. Avoiding the use of adjectives makes writers use only the facts. By using only the facts, the of victoria music depth, true selling point is discerned without any “fluff” that could be considered debatable.

Articles are all of our neuter words like “the,” “a/an,” etc. Removing pronouns helps lead with verbs, providing more impact to university of virginia each sentence. Take the of victoria depth, example sentence of, “She had a great idea and developed a new marketing program that beat what most of the local competition was doing. Customers were prompted to come to the store because seasonal special discount coupons were mailed by her, and the customers gave her lots of positive feedback, they were so happy to have a surprise discount.” If we remove the hong nguyen university, adjectives, articles, and pronouns, it becomes, “Had idea and developed new marketing program that beat what most of local competition was doing. Customers were prompted to come to store because seasonal special discount coupons were mailed, and university of victoria, customers gave positive feedback, happy to have discounts.”

4. Use an active voice. Marshall University Law School? In the active voice, quite simply. the subject does the action. Example – Jane developed a new marketing program. If we were to compared this with the passive voice, the university of victoria music, target of the action becomes the subject. Example – A new marketing program was developed by Jane. How do we place the above selling point in the active voice? We can break it down one line at a time. The Baker Institute University? The first line, “Had idea and of victoria music, developed new marketing program that beat what most of local competition was doing,” is already active because Jane/She is the law school wv restaurants, understood subject. We dropped the pronoun in step 3. The next line, “Customers were prompted to come to store because seasonal special discount coupons were mailed, and customers came to store, gave positive feedback, happy to have surprise discounts,” is all passive. Of Victoria Music Depth? “Customers were prompted ” and “special discount coupons were mailed .” To change this to the active voice, the sentence can be changed to say “Mailed seasonal special discount coupons to customers, and customers came to store, gave positive feedback, happy to hong of washington have surprise discounts.” 5. Depth? Be concise but speak the employer’s language.

Now that we have dropped some unnecessary words, have understood subjects in the active voice, and hong, a list of selling points in order of highest impact to lowest, we can edit the university, sentences further. On a resume, you want to use as few words as possible to the baker institute university say your point. University Of Victoria Depth? Baroque, ornate sentences that flow on and on with continuous dependent clauses have no place on a resume. Let’s take a look at how our summary line is going. Now we have, “Had idea and developed new marketing program that beat what most of avoid bags essay, local competition was doing. Mailed seasonal special discount coupons to customers, and customers came to store, gave positive feedback, happy to have surprise discounts.”

35 words for university depth, one selling point is western undergraduate, far too long. University Of Victoria Music? Having one selling point take more than one sentence is also not the best marketing idea if high-value sentences are to be achieved. Having a critical eye over what may be deemed necessary is university undergraduate, crucial. The first sentence begins with, “Had idea and…” Had idea? Do we really need to say someone had an idea before they pursued something? It is pretty safe to assume that before someone develops something new, they originally had an idea to do it. Had an idea? Dropped.

“Developed new marketing program that beat what most of local competition was doing.” This new marketing program is unique. No other local stores currently offer this promotion. The real “meat” of the sentence is that she “Developed (a) new marketing program.” What can we assume from the fact that it differs from what other stores currently offer? Although “unique” was used earlier, I would not recommend calling something “unique,” because everyone thinks they are unique. “Exclusive” perhaps? “Developed new and exclusive marketing program.” Now “new and” bothers me. It may even be safe to assume that when someone develops something, that it will be “new.” Typically, no one develops something that will not lead to some new change. “Developed exclusive marketing program.” There we go. Next sentence. “Mailed seasonal special discount coupons to university of victoria depth customers, and customers came to store, gave positive feedback, happy to have surprise discounts.” Comma, comma, comma. Everything about hong of washington this sentence is university, dependent. The New At Carver Code? “and customers came to store, gave positive feedback, happy to have surprise discounts,” is essentially the result of this new sales promotion.

“Came to store” is university, just kind of, “meh” right? I did X and customers came. Since this is university law school wv restaurants, a sales-related statement, it may be more marketable to say, “increased traffic.” From increasing traffic, there may be room for more sales. University Of Victoria Music Depth? Information on sales increases isn’t directly given to us, so we will continue with “increased traffic.” Similarly, “gave positive feedback, happy to have surprise discounts.” What we are really talking about here is “customer satisfaction.” Revisions in mind, we have now changed this too, “Developed exclusive marketing program. Mailed seasonal special discount coupons to marshall university law school customers that increased traffic and university music, customer satisfaction.”

6. Make the sentences showcase abilities to of virginia offer an employer. The revision sounds very close to an achievement, which could be further developed into music one for this resume. Marshall Law School Huntington Wv Restaurants? For the summary section, remove the specific details and save them for the achievements section. Revise the sentence so it is something they can offer a prospective employer, and the achievements section can become the “proof” section. “Proven ability to develop exclusive marketing programs. that increase traffic and customer satisfaction.” Where is it “ proven ” ? In the university of victoria music, achievements section below.

7. The Baker Institute Rice? Finishing touches: sprinkle in an adjective with a job title/phrase. As opposed to university of victoria music depth being adjective heavy and university of virginia and sororityboysmovie, editing them out, we originally removed all or most adjectives in step 3. It is much more difficult finding the “meat” of an ability/offering when it is flooded by of victoria meaningless adjectives, but one adjective at the end of university, fine tuning the sentence is music, a great finishing touch. This adjective can be used to describe the client, but avoid over-assuming or using cliches. “Self-motivated” or “Results-oriented” may be on a lot of “No” lists, but I think they are safe to use. It’s just a matter of quality, not quantity, when it comes to choosing these few adjectives. For the job title/phrase, you can use the plastic bags writer, client’s current occupation, or a general term for their occupation- as long as it is not completely different from the job they are targeting. Overall, I would only university music avoid using the word “professional” as a standalone. Rice? If the person in our example is a manager in university music depth, sales, we can call her a Sales Manager. Results-oriented Sales Manager with proven ability to develop exclusive marketing programs that increase traffic and customer satisfaction.

18 words, one sentence from 35 words and two sentences, with the major change being only an increase in impact. These steps take some time, but remember, like most writing- it is avoid plastic essay writer, 20% drafting, and depth, 80% revision. Taking the time to critically revise makes a great impact on the resume’s marketability. If this sounds like a lot to handle, feel free to contact me so I can get you in touch with a CPRW from a local job center in your area.

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